Promise yourself

It is that special, crucial, life-changing time of the year when one is overcome by (multiple choice, so take your pick):

Over what, you might ask? Well, just about every personal goal. Year-enders augur well for year-starters. The order of the day is to get started on that goal you have long set for yourself but never really gotten around to doing.


Crimes against the self


See for yourself what you have been doing or overdoing that will eventually cause your own undoing. Remember, this is all about garbage out, not garbage in.



Beginning today


Promise yourself. It is said that it is easier to break a promise made to someone instead of to the self.


Promise list: Beginning today, not yesterday or tomorrow, I will, to the best of my ability, choose:


This week’s affirmation:


“I claim one victory after another.”


Love and light!

