The heart of a woman

Celebrating Women’s Month in March is a good reason for women all over the world to focus on themselves.

But in truth, the importance and crucial role of women should be recognized every day of every month.

While the function of a woman’s heart is the same as a man’s, there is a basic difference in their size. A man’s heart is physically bigger than that of a woman. Scientists have also discovered that gender differences between the hearts of men and women includes sensitivity.

This can be seen in an electrocardiogram, and yet more can be evidenced on the cellular level.

  • The female heart is about two-thirds the size of a man’s.
  • A woman’s heart rate is more rapid than a man’s.
  • Female hearts are more sensitive to drugs.
  • The first incidence of sudden heart attacks in women is 58 percent, as compared to 48 percent in men.

An eye-opening chat with Yale University-educated cardiologist Chris Enriquez raised several concerns. He said, “Twenty years ago the incidence of heart attacks in women was low as compared to men. But today, women beat the men in that department.”

  • Women’s hearts pump more blood per heartbeat than men’s hearts.
  • While women have more risk factors for coronary artery disease, some tend to have less severe heart problems.

Never too late

Top heart-disease prevention tips:

  • Healthy eating. There is a heart-healthy plan. Avoid sugar and processed fructose. This is not natural sugar, as found in fresh fruits. Consume large amounts of fresh vegetables. Protein is good. Take organic eggs or meat from grass-fed (as opposed to commercial feeds-fed) animals. Take omega-3 rich foods like raw nuts, virgin coconut oil, avocado, flaxseed.
  • Physical activity. Exercise 30-40 minutes daily.
  • Maintain a healthy waist circumference. Your cardiologist can advise you. For males, less than 40 inches; for females, less than 35 inches.
  • Minimize alcohol intake. While red wine (because of resveratrol) is good for the heart, women are advised to take not more than one glass of wine daily.
  • Strictly no smoking.

Emotional strength

Women rule with their hearts. They also think with their hearts. The psychological makeup of a woman gives her a significantly stronger gift for interpersonal relationships.

Empathy, the ability to relate to people’s feelings and emotional situations, is a stronger trait in women.

Women are naturally attuned to their inner feelings, which makes them socially responsible and involved.

Intimacy and the giving and receiving of affection are intrinsically a woman’s forte.

Often called a woman’s sixth sense, a developed intuition enables females to be more receptive to non-verbal communication and interpretation. Thus, a woman is able to discern feelings and situations which may defy human or scientific explanation.

Theory suggests that women are able to read facial expressions and sense emotions with facility.

This week’s affirmation:

“I am an empowered woman.”

Love and light!


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