I didn’t land my dream job, but…

THE AUTHOR (middle) after completing a Sales Officership Training program. With her are Eldon Roldan (left) and Tata Liu.
THE AUTHOR (middle) after completing a Sales Officership Training program. With her are Eldon Roldan (left) and Tata Liu.

HATS OFF! Welcome to the world of twentysomethings, and the shaky transitions in your life.

After 16 to 18 years of studying, you finally got your game face on to conquer the real world. But what really awaits you after graduation? You’re a fresh graduate, so idealistic.

You’re full of enthusiasm and want to pursue the career you’ve been dreaming of. But please, stop the unrealistic expectations. So you’ve got the job you wanted. Truth be told, you’re a newbie. You may have been an A+ student or were at the top of the class, but are you really ready?

This is the time to apply all those concepts and philosophies you learned. You will have a learning curve. It is really true that “you get a bit dumber before you get smarter.” Almost all of us are anxious about making fools of ourselves.

Believe me, this is normal. Everyone will go through this. You used to know a lot, but this time, almost everything is new to you. Ask and discover. Why settle for being average? With the growing number of young professionals, isn’t it exciting to be one of them?

You need to go to extraordinary lengths for the career growth you desire. Don’t clam up. In time, you might find yourself stable and comfortable in your environment and with your workload. Sometimes we’re all just too relaxed and scared to leave our comfort zone to chase after what we really want.

Sense of being lost

You have to challenge yourself every time; don’t be passive. Grow your knowledge and capabilities. Have a career focus. Ask yourself, is this really the life I want?

You might feel lost. You’re doing well yet you aren’t happy. You’re seeking more challenging things than what you’re doing, torn between a comfortable life and a new path.

Think clearly of the stuff on your plate; weigh things. Be realistic but at the same time, go with what will satisfy you.

I’m now working as an investment specialist in the oldest bank in the country. I joined the bank as a management trainee, and trained for six months before I got promoted to investment specialist with the rank of assistant manager. Not bad, right?

But I’m telling you, the training was rigorous; it is such a blessing that I belong to a great team, with my mentor Tata and my teammate Eldon.

They taught me to go past the 90-day idiot curve, pass the hurdles and graduate. But I admit I still need to know more. Of course, learning is a continuous process.

Day-to-day, I’m dealing with clients, different types of people from all walks of life. And the beauty of my job is that I’m able to mingle with others while doing my role, trying to assist them in fixing their assets and investments.

Is this my dream job? Before graduation, no. I was so idealistic then. This was not the job I wanted in the beginning but here I am, satisfied and learning every day of my life.

Do I sometimes ask myself if I’m comfortable and steady? Yes, and it alarms me. I told myself, “I need to continue wondering.” Still, I’m happy.

These are just a few normal stages you’ll encounter after graduation. I just want to give you a hint of what it feels like.

To all the graduates out there, good luck! Be wiser and take every single day as an opportunity to learn. God will not always give you what you want; rather, He’ll give you what you need. And always remember, La vita è bella! (Life is beautiful!)

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