Knowledge beyond the five senses

Consider the following true, extraordinary and verified incidents:

In 1974, when the Miss Universe beauty pageant was held in the Philippines, a well-known cardiologist friend invited me to dinner at his new restaurant on Roxas Boulevard. He was dating one of the beauty pageant contestants, but did not tell me who.

Then he asked me, “Guess who my date last night was?”

Out of the blue, I blurted out, “Miss Japan!”

My perplexed friend uttered an unprintable cussword and said, “How the hell did you know that?”

I said, “I don’t know. Why, who was your date last night?”

And he replied, “I was with Miss Japan.”


An American housewife was cooking lunch at home at 1 p.m. when she suddenly felt a terrible pain in her chest. She at once thought of her soldier son in Vietnam.

The next day, a US Army officer knocked on her door and announced that her son had been shot dead in Vietnam at 1 p.m.

Crying involuntarily

Norma was having a tea party in Sao Paulo when she began crying involuntarily at 4 p.m. Asked what was wrong, she replied, “My grandfather died in Porto Alegre,” which was several hundred miles away.

Two days later she received a letter informing her that her grandfather had died—at 4 p.m., the day of the tea party.

The Makati City Police were on the lookout for something important that could pass the checkpoint they were guarding. They were not told who they were looking for.

One police officer suspected a red Toyota car to be the one carrying their quarry. He stopped the car; the man gave a different name, had grown a beard and was stouter than he used to be.

Without knowing why, the policeman brought the man to headquarters and later verified that the man he had stopped was the military officer turned communist rebel whom they were looking for.

Such examples of unexplainable intuitive or inner knowing can be replicated a hundred thousand times all over the world. They are not isolated cases.

The point is, where does such knowledge come from? How or why do they occur? Can this be developed and controlled by an individual?

This power or ability has been called by many names, such as intuition, extrasensory perception, sixth sense and inner knowing. Nobody knows how it happens, or where the knowledge comes from.

There are psychic people who exhibit such power or ability at will; it can also happen to ordinary individuals spontaneously, as in the examples given above.

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Nothing is in the intellect which was not first in the senses.”

It seems that, with thousands of examples of intuitive knowledge, i.e. knowledge that did not come from any of the five senses, Aristotle was quite mistaken—or was he?

Hidden faculty

Is there some untapped or hidden faculty of the human brain which enables us to know something factual and true without coming from any of our five senses?

Physical science, of course, denies vehemently the existence of such untapped or unknown mental faculty, despite mountains of evidence proving its existence.

Dr. J.B. Rhine at Duke University in North Carolina spent more than 30 years studying, experimenting on and documenting the existence of such ability or power of extrasensory perception or ESP in man, which was later known as telepathy and clairvoyance.

His meticulous and rigorous scientific experimental protocols left little doubt as to their existence.

Physicists Drs. Russel Targ and Harold Puthoff of Standford Research Institute (now called SRI International) in Menlo Park, California, spent 20 years probing the existence of remote viewing or traveling clairvoyance, the ability of man to project his consciousness or awareness to a distant place and describe what is in that place with great accuracy.

I teach a modified form of remote viewing in my two-day course on ESP, aside from several other ESP skills or abilities (such as psychometry, psychic reading and even telepathy). Most of my students are able to perform such psychic actions for the first time.

Engineer Dr. Robert G. Jahn and psychologist Dr. Brenda Dunne at Princeton University have been doing experiments on telekinesis under strict scientific controls for many years now, gathering so much data that such a power really exists in some people.

If there is really another way of knowing something other than through our five senses, how come the average scientist refuses to believe in it? Simply because of the limited but scientifically accepted assumption that nothing exists except what can be detected by our senses and scientific instruments.

But how can one study something he does not believe exists?

That’s why most scientists have remained ignorant of things that belong to the nonphysical world of reality. Fortunately, quantum physics is beginning to change such a reductionist and purely mechanistic view of reality.

The next Basic ESP & Intuition Development seminar will be on April 25-26, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.   Tel. 810-7245 or. 0998-9886292. E-mail: