Unleash your inner shopaholic with #GlobeCharge

We’ve all been there before: finding ourselves wanting something really bad in a bazaar or weekend market and (almost) regretting spending the last of our cold cash on a gorgeous dress and a box of delectable macarons. With no ATM in sight, the harsh truth that we’re never going to find another one quite like it anywhere else slowly sinks in as we slowly walk out of the bazaar tent, already feeling separation anxiety for that item.

That’s why this summer, shop with no regrets because Globe Charge is powering your favorite weekend bazaars and events! With Globe Charge, you can now go crazy with shopping as your favorite bazaaristas can now accept your Mastercard or Visa. And because debit or credit card can easily be accepted via smartphone or tablet, you can easily move on to scouring the next stall for another bazaar gem!

Aside from getting crazy good deals on everything, you can also get rewarded for shopping by getting awesome freebies and even more discounts! Did you attend any of these summer events?

Don’t fret. Be sure to catch the Globe Charge booth at these events:

To truly be part of these events, don’t forget to use the hashtag #GlobeCharge in your event photos and selfies. You can get the prints of these photos instantly from the Globe Charge Instabooth as well!

The days of missing out and scrambling for loose change are over. So gather the squad, head on over the nearest bazaar, and get your shopaholic on!


Globe Charge allows your customers to make card transactions with no minimum amount of purchase and lower MDRs. The card-swiping device is available for a P999 one-time purchase or through affordable postpaid bundles starting at P499. The mobile application can be downloaded from the Play Store or Apple Store for free. This is the perfect companion for small enterprises looking to broaden their income opportunities as well as cut costs. Want to learn more about it? Visit https://globecharge.com.ph