Sharing the magic: Confessions of a grown-up kid

Globe Telecom’s announcement of a recent partnership with Disney on their #ShareTheMagic campaign got me reminiscing about how Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar has been a huge part of my life growing up in the 80s, 90s, and 00s. I think it’s safe to say that everyone reading this can say the same, no matter which decade or country you were born in.

Let me share with you some of my memories of these fascinating worlds that have touched countless other people’s lives the world over.



Before the internet, viral memes, and when the media was anything but social, weekends in our household meant hours spent splayed in front of the VCR watching rented videos of Disney cartoons and movies. My brother and I would watch all these classic cartoons over and over and over again till the cows come home.

Out of all the Disney characters, my favorite was Donald Duck. I naturally gravitated towards him. I didn’t really relate to how Mickey was the popular, friendly one; the one that everybody liked. Donald? He was my kind of guy (or duck, if you want to get pedantic about it): a neurotic insomniac with anger management problems. Kind of like how I turned out as an adult. Plus you can’t understand half the stuff he was saying. He was just – – so out there.


While I wasn’t born yet when the first two Star Wars movies were released (and was still in diapers by the time Return of the Jedi came around), I distinctly remember my first Star Wars experience.

In the late-80s to early-90s, Sunday nights meant watching the last broadcast of the week, usually a Hollywood movie a couple of years old, before the TV stations would go off the air and resume operations early Monday morning. 

Now this one Sunday night, they were showing “The Empire Strikes Back” on TV. Of course this is all in retrospect and I wasn’t really aware that I was watching Star Wars that time. While I remember being so fascinated by all the “robots” and the “spaceships,” one thing that’s forever etched in my mind was the scene where Darth Vader cut off Luke Skywalker’s hand. I remember thinking it was the most awesome scene ever in movie history.


I was in high school when Toy Story first came out. Like any teenager, there was nothing more I wanted in life but to grow up and start being an adult. Toy Story reminded me of much simpler times when I actually believed that my toys came to life whenever nobody was around.

It was like seeing my childhood fantasies come to life right in front of me. I might as well have written the entire thing! Andy’s conflict between growing up and leaving his toys behind was a struggle I knew all too well. In a way, I’m still the same boy who believed that his toys missed him whenever he was away.


I have always been a comic book fan. In fact, before I even started going to school, my mom taught me how to read using Marvel comics. What could grab a child’s notoriously short attention better than a series of colorful drawings starring larger-than-life superheroes?

My entire childhood consisted of voraciously reading (and re-reading) all the comic books I could get my hands on until they’re all scuffed, dog-eared, and torn to bits. The X-Men, Spider-Man, The Avengers—-before they all became multimillion-dollar movie franchises, they were first the heroes of my youth. Also, thanks to an aunt who would regularly send us comic book grab bags from the US (remember those?), I would get back-issues that dated all the way from the 70s, comic books from a time before I was even a twinkle in my parents’ eyes. It was those old comic books that cemented my emotional attachment to these characters. I felt like I was there with them right from the very beginning. I just fell in love with the stories.

And I guess at the end of the day, that’s what these universes are all about: stories. Stories that take us away from schoolyard bullies, from our teenage angst, and from the everyday concerns of adult life. And if something as simple as a story can take you away, even for a couple of minutes, then that’s magical. That’s what magic is.

So what’s your story? Tell us about your most memorable Disney-Marvel-Star Wars-Pixar stories in the comment section and #ShareTheMagic.

Want to relive your favorite Disney memories anytime, anywhere? Soon you can thanks to Globe! Check out this list of EXCLUSIVE Disney services and products coming your way and experience that #GlobeDisneyMagic!

Disney Movies On Demand (DMOD)

An on-demand subscription service for selected evergreen Disney and Pixar titles such as the Toy Story franchise, Finding Nemo, The Princess Diaries, Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas, Cinderella and much more, that can be viewed on any device anytime, anywhere.

Disney On Demand (DOD)

An on-demand subscription service for selected Disney TV favorites such as Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Phineas & Ferb, that can be watched on any device anytime, anywhere.

Maker On Demand

An on-demand subscription service featuring the best short-form videos from Maker Studios’ portfolio of content across gaming, comedy, music, sports, fashion, and family, to name a few, featuring popular talent from Makers’ network of 55,000 creators globally.

Maker and Globe will also team to create custom branded entertainment featuring top digital influencers—supporting the Globe service.

WATCH Disney Channel apps

Entertainment apps which provide access to Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and Disney XD. Kids and Family can enjoy all the 3 Disney Channels via this digital destination.

Disney Interactive

A world of mobile and web-based games, apps and e-books based on the best-loved Disney stories.

Promotions, merchandising and retail activations that bring Disney’s latest theatrical releases closer to Filipinos.