What Are Bill Murray, George Clooney, and Miley Cyrus Doing In One Video?

bill murray miley cyrus george clooney a very murray christmas preen

If  all the gift guides, holiday décor, and the delicious food  haven’t gotten you in the mood for Christmas just yet, here’s something that might do the trick. A Very Murray Christmas, the Netflix-produced holiday special by Bill Murray and Sofia Coppola-came out over the weekend and with it  are some clips that you just have to watch.


Miley Cyrus is has got on a different look this time for the family show as she sings “Let It Snow” with Billy Murray and George Clooney. Paul Shaffer, David Letterman’s sidekick and band leader, mans the all-white piano as the carols commence.


For “Sleigh Ride,” George and Miley arrive in a sleigh that she jokes is hers and is a convenient way to avoid traffic as they are greeted by Bill. The novelty of seeing these three unlikely friends together is enough to remind you of Christmas miracles.

Finally, you also will see a very somber Miley Cyrus  “Silent Night”.

Hopefully, we can get access to the entire variety show soon as the skits in the show also feature Amy Poehler, Jason Schwartzman, Chris Rock, and Rashida Jones.

[The Verge]


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