When you can’t stomach the problem

There is so much more than we can learn about health and wellness.

There is always some new discovery, innovation, or way to see and interpret existing laws governing the human body that is brought to light.

But it’s the everyday reality about our state of wellbeing we need to address.

Take the stomach, for example. Its role in human health is pivotal.

Acid reflux

The stomach produces gastric acid that helps to naturally break down food. It also protects the gastrointestinal tract from infection.

Composed of hydrochloric acid (HCI), potassium chloride (KCI), and sodium chloride (NaCl), gastric acid assists in digestion.

It is alarming to know that acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) afflicts millions worldwide.

A phenomenon of the 21st century, why this is happening must be studied more closely and understood more clearly. When acid in the stomach rises up into the esophagus, the condition called acid reflux occurs.


Heartburn—the burning sensation from the stomach to the throat that has nothing to do with the heart



Acid taste in the mouth

Persistent throat problems such as hoarseness, and sore throat and cough

Chest pains (which could be mistaken for a heart attack)

Metallic-tasting liquid in the mouth coming from the throat

Who are at risk?  

Pregnant women, smokers, heavy drinkers, overweight people, and men and women aged 35-64


Stress—the state of your mind has a profound effect on the body. When you worry, your body produces more acid. In short, you can think your way to illness or wellness.

Overeating—after a large meal that measures beyond the size of the stomach, the digestive tract is overworked.

Underproduction of stomach acids—less stomach acids mean your undigested food will rot inside. This causes queasiness and tummy ache.

Overmedication—there are some medications like aspirin or ibuprofen that can irritate the esophagus and relax the sphincter muscle between the throat and stomach.

Posture—bending forward and lying down can cause the acids to back up.

Tight clothes or belts—anything that constricts the tummy puts pressure on the stomach.

Home remedy: Apple cider

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1 cup warm water

Mix and drink. Take daily to stimulate more production of stomach acids. But don’t do it if you have excess acids.

Lemon water

To neutralize stomach acids, add more alkalinity to your stomach. Mix a squeeze of lemon (about 1-2 tsp) in a cup of warm water. This will raise your alkaline level.

If your acidity problems are recurring, consult a doctor immediately. You might have peptic ulcer.

Emotions and the stomach

The expression “I cannot stomach it” is directly connected to an emotion. But why is a physical organ involved? Why the stomach?

When one cannot “stomach” something, it reflects disgust, anger, maybe even rage.

The inability to stomach a situation connotes the same inability to keep it inside. Thus, the revolting urge to vomit.

Assess what you are feeling. Is it acceptance or rejection? You might trace the root cause of your hyperacidity to situations in your life that you cannot tolerate and still fail to address. This is the beginning of self-awareness.

Only you can calm your inner senses by adopting a positive state of mind which will eventually lead to positive action.

This week’s affirmation: “I attract the good at all times.”

Love and light!

E-mail the columnist: coryquirino1@yahoo.com