Meet the Male Model Discovered by Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid

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John Economou was a just a homeless surfer on the beaches of Los Angeles, until he met model BFFs Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid, who were shooting a commercial there. After a conversation with them, he found himself getting signed with a modelling agency.

“I was just chilling on the beach and watching the water, minding my own business and then I see these people come over. They sat pretty close but not too close and they started having a picnic,” says John who was referring to Kendall and Gigi, along with Ansel Elgort and Kendall’s manager Ashleah Gonzalez.

Apparently, Kendall remarked that John was cute and told Ashleah that he should be a model. Ashleah then promptly contacted Luc Brinker, owner of Two Management and soon enough, John got himself a modelling contract, just like that.
A native of Milwaukee, John moved to Los Angeles to “sleep under the stars.” He also gets a roof over his head by hooking up with women he meets on the beach. (Yes, it’s a thing.)
So much for relying on your wits and on hard work. Turns out, having only good looks can get you somewhere.

[The Daily Mail]
Photo courtesy of The Daily Mail