Lose weight without dieting

Gourmets and gourmands worldwide fondly declare that they live to eat. What if I were to tell you that you should “eat to live” without compromising on the famous covenant of diehard foodies?

Food has everything to do with health and wellness. Do you know that the quality of your food has a dramatic impact on the quality of your life?

The idea of everyday food as everyday medicine dates back to 3,000 B.C. when Emperor Shennong introduced agriculture to the Chinese. Legend has it that he was a strong believer in the power of plants, and made tasty meals and teas from his harvest.

Here is a simple questionnaire designed to determine the true reason you eat: Are you eating because…

Knowing why you eat has a positive influence on the way you think about food and, eventually, what you eat. It is a mindset one needs to establish.

One should be fed up (yes, pun intended) with buying new clothes each time you gain weight. You can put a stop to this immediately. You can only lose weight when you reach this turning point. When you do, it’s time to take charge. Let’s begin.

Be active

According to Dr. Gary Null, author of “Ultimate Anti-Aging Program,” you can easily lose weight if you are an Olympic athlete or the mother of a toddler.

To be active is the secret to losing weight.

The next tip is to control the portions of your meals. This doesn’t mean that you have to cut back on anything. It simply translates to not overeating.

Most people with weight problems do not know when to stop stuffing food into their mouths. Be honest with yourself—are you one of them?

The good news is that you can choose to lose weight without dieting. If you desire a slimmer body, just follow the basic guidelines.

This week’s affirmation: “My habits are healthy.”

Love and light!

E-mail the columnist: coryquirino1@yahoo.com