Albert Martinez’s Eldest Daughter Announces Engagement on Mt. Everest

The eldest daughter of actors Albert and the late Liezel Martinez announced her engagement to long-term boyfriend, photographer Roy Macam, at the base camp of Mt. Everest on Instagram.

Roy, for his part, posted a behind-the-scenes shot of the big moment on Facebook:
Alyanna Martinez Roy Macam Preen 3

Along with the moment that she said “yes!”

Here’s a closeup of the rock sitting pretty atop on one of the most difficult rocks to surmount in the entire world, but they did it! We’re guessing it’s an apt metaphor for marriage?

According to Alyanna, “He proposed once on my birthday [this] Dec. 3 at [Mt. Everest’s] base camp and we only announced it to everyone last night at my event. Before that only close family and friends knew.”

Alyanna’s younger sister Alissa Martinez also made the announcement last night on Instagram:

We’re just so happy for the couple! Congratulations, you two!!


Photos courtesy of Alyanna Martinez, Roy Macam, and Alissa Martinez


Erratum: At 9:30 a.m., the article originally implied that two proposals that occurred; first in Manila right before Alyanna Martinez and Roy Macam left for Nepal, and again at the base camp of Mt. Everest. This has since been corrected in the version above.