Headaches and more

For every symptom, there is a cause. And for every cause, there is a trigger.

Headaches can be traced to a variety of causes: dehydration, emotional and mental stress, muscular tension, menstrual problems, nutrient/nutritional deficiency, and indigestion.

Eventually, more serious diseases of the body come into play, such as tumors, head injuries, high blood pressure, and conditions affecting the eyes, ears, nose and  throat, and infections.

Health alert: constipation due to sluggish bowels may also cause headaches.

Possible triggers: allergies to cigarette smoke, food sensitivities, a stuffy room, poor posture, even foam pillows.

To do:

1) Drink 10-15 glasses of water daily.

2) Observe yourself. Consult a doctor on taking a food sensitivity test.

3) Enemas will clear the bowels and remove old, stuck-up fecal matter.

Do you know that an enema instantly clears the sinuses? Look into coffee enemas and lemon cleansing for relief.

4) Get into mind-body exercises. Try meditative long walks in open, green spaces like parks, forests, etc.

5) Instead of reaching out immediately for medication, try potassium-rich food like bananas, papaya, raisins, mango, kiwi, oranges and pears.


Migraines are a special type of headache. And each person has a distinct experience. Most suffer irritability, cold feet and hands, lack of appetite, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light.

Migraines can last for days, and they need special attention. Check for erratic blood sugar levels and sensitivity to hot weather.

A little sea salt followed by two glasses of tepid water can provide relief.

If you’re suffering from migraine, take note that there is a strong connection between the ailment and food allergies.

Natural remedies:

Super teas available in the market are the following:

Vitamin-mineral intervention:

Homeopathic tonics could help. See a homeopathic doctor.

This week’s affirmation: “I am blessed!”

Love and light!

Reference: “A Treasury of Natural First Aid Remedies from A-Z” by James Kusick

E-mail the author: coryquirino1@yahoo.com