What Khloé Kardashian Did to Lose 11 Pounds in Six Weeks

Khloe KArdashian Preen

After recently revealing that she lost 35 pounds from working out, Khloé Kardashian revealed that she’s also cut down on cheese and milk on her continuing quest for a toned and healthy bod.

It wasn’t an easy sacrifice for this sexy 31-year-old. “I’m obsessed with cheese and milk, but eliminating them from my diet made the biggest difference,” she tells the magazine New Beauty. She also revealed losing 11 pounds in the span of a month and a half  “without doing anything else” apart from not consuming dairy.

11 pounds? In six weeks? We’re listening.

The upside in all this according to Khloé, “I’m way healthier now than I ever was. I stay really hydrated by drinking five liters of water and taking vitamins every single day.”

Apart from the food she’s now scrimping on, the five-foot-ten gal also goes through regular gym sessions with the Kardashian family trainer Gunnar Peterson. This did so much for her “emotionally,” she says. “[Working out] also makes my skin look better-everything looks better.” So maybe it’s the added confidence!

So Khloé really takes her body and fitness seriously. In fact, she also launched her new book this year titled Strong Looks Better Naked, which includes lifestyle and weight loss tips, as well as personal stories and bits and pieces of the usual Kardashian drama.

And now with no cheese and milk to stop her body goals, she doesn’t have to subject herself to ridiculous milk dares from her older sister Kourtney again.

[The Daily Mail]


Photo courtesy of New Beauty