Gay, born-again–and confused

DEAR Emily,


I am a personable man. A real man outside—but a total woman inside. I do not cross-dress, nor am I a scandalous screaming joke.


I am just a gay man. I’ve had numerous relationships with men and haven’t had problems finding men of my type. My problem is, I’ve stopped dating men since I became religious and born-again. But there are things that bother me, like I want to give in to temptations when men come my way.


At night when I am having a hard time sleeping, I fantasize about the good-looking men I see in the streets, including even my colleagues. Is something wrong with me being gay? Do I need professional help?




Haven’t you heard? This is the new millennium! Have you been living under a rock? There’s nothing wrong with you! Just because you turned religious does not mean you have turned to stone. Being born-again does not exempt you from falling in love or feeling pain, nor does it stop you from being human. You will only cease to experience human emotions when you go into a coma and become brain-dead.


Human beings are no different from the other animals in the wild. Being gay is not unique or an aberration in nature. Watch nature shows on cable to gain a better understanding of life on earth. You will see gay animals in fishes, dolphins, monkeys, among others—on well-researched documentary films.


Don’t allow bigots, goody-two-shoes, and holier-than-thous to make your life painful than it already is. Enjoy your sexuality! Fall in love! Life is too short to be unhappy.


E-mail the author at emarcelo or emarcelo629




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