The ABC’s of birthdays

Yes, it’s true. Every year that passes adds to one’s age. But each addition brings a wealth of experience and wisdom. Why not try going through this alphabet for birthdays? It can only renew you. Promise.

A—Accept the undeniable truth that you are God’s unique and special creation.

B—Balance is the foundation of harmony. Strive to have balance at home, in the workplace and in your social life. Be mindful, most especially of the order it brings into your life.

C—Creative powers are yours. All you need to do is to tap your inner resources.

D—You have the desire, drive, determination, discipline to achieve all your goals.

E—Exercise is a non-negotiable part of good health.

F—Failure is the training ground for success. If you fall, pick yourself up again. When you are down, there is no other way to go but up.

G—You have the capacity for goodness. And it is yours to give.

H—Health is the first wealth, not money. Think health first from now on.

I—Inspire yourself. And in so doing, you can inspire others.

J—Jumpstart your day by getting up with a positive frame of mind (instead of dragging yourself out of bed), then continue with a good breakfast.

K—There are many ways to kill—by killing your dreams, aspirations, passion, you also snuff out the joys of life.

L—Live, that you might love, and love again. Love that you can nurture yourself and others. And never forget to laugh away your worries and fears.

M—Your mind is a powerhouse capable of making or breaking you. Thus, your brain fueled by the mind can unleash forces to make you well or ill. Program your mind positively, not negatively.

N—Never say never, as the saying goes. To utter “never” will create roadblocks to your future triumphs. Give yourself permission to say never in this context: to never settle for second best.

Be open

O—Openness is a state of mind that welcomes new blessings. Stay open. Be open.

P—Pray to strengthen your spirit. Daily prayer keeps you centered, focused and empowered.

Perfection—Many achievers seek it in all forms. Set your sights high enough in order to achieve the perfection of your own ultimate expression.

Q—The quest for immortality is also the search for the fountain of youth. One of the best ways to keep your quest meaningful is to stay healthy and strong.

R—Renewal isn’t just a promise. It’s our destiny. To remake and renew ourselves is a potential we all have. Yes, you can rewrite your destiny.

S—Stress is a disease of modern times. With a life surrounded by stressors, beginning with one’s self, we must master the art of slowing down. You cannot drive yourself on fifth gear all of the time. If you do, you will run out of gas. Manage your stress today. Design a daily regimen that includes mind-body activities like yoga, tai chi, qigong. Learn to relax. Your heart will benefit from it. And the result is peace of mind. While at it, don’t forget to take B-complex to soothe your nerves.

Sleep—With seven to eight hours’ sleep daily, your body is re-energized. It is during sleep time that the body’s trillions of cells are regenerated. Make sure to get adequate sleep.

T—Thrill yourself. By adding more excitement to your life, you spice it up. Staying in a “state of thrill” keeps your blood circulating and your expectations upbeat.

U—A deep sense of understanding is a good prescription for life. With understanding comes temperance and perseverance. Understand that you have a role to play in this life. And no matter how humble it may be, you are important.

V—Vitality is founded on optimal health. Remember that your body generates energy. As a generator it must produce its own electrical power. Keep your generator running on nutrient-rich food. And because the body and mind are connected, you must feed your mind and heart with life-affirming thoughts and feelings.

W—Water is essential to survival. Drink generous amounts of water, 10-15 glasses daily. This is another non-negotiable law of good health. Do you know that more than 50 percent of all diseases are connected to dehydration? Remember, too, that the will to live is yours and yours alone. Nobody can take that away from you. If you will it, so shall it be.

X—eXpect the unexpected blessings to come. Your expectations determine the outcome of any situation.

Y—To yearn for things is but natural. Listen to the yearnings of your heart. There may be something that you have yet to accomplish.

Z—Your zest for life should remain endless, if and only if you welcome and invoke continuous goodness. Don’t give up. Be gracious and grateful for all that you have and all that is yet to come.

This week’s affirmation: “I live, love and laugh.”

Love and light!

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