How to avoid a heart attack

Who isn’t afraid of health emergencies? In all cases, these are unforeseen and sudden. Fear of the unknown keeps people off-balance. But not anymore.

“Bombshell,” the book by Suzanne Somers, includes a whole chapter on Bill Faloon, cofounder of Life Extension Foundation, the biggest longevity organization in the world.

The big question is this: How can one avoid a catastrophic health emergency?

Although you believe that you are living a healthy life, you could still be losing out on some key elements.

There are 18 mechanisms of aging known to the scientific world. These are chronic inflammation, hormone imbalance, glycation, methylation deficiency, mitochondrial dysfunction, excess calcification, digestive enzyme deficit, fatty acid imbalance, immune system dysfunction, DNA mutation, enzyme imbalance, mitochondria loss, excitotoxicity, circulatory deficit, oxidative stress, loss of insulin sensitivity and bone density.

Even if one follows a comprehensive health program, there is no guarantee of living a long life. Why is that? Perhaps it is due to a lack of vigilance.

The best way to ensure protection against disease is by maintaining a strong immune function. A good start is to restore the body’s natural hormone levels (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, DHEA, etc). The studies on DHEA are out: A deficiency can affect and disrupt immune responses.

Jack Lalanne, a health advocate, was ahead of his time and planned to live past the age of 100; he didn’t reach his target. One year after an aortic valve replacement, he passed away.

What went wrong? In his last book published in 2003, Lalanne extolled the virtues of vitamin K. For this he recommended leafy green vegetables.

In his opinion, Mr. Faloon believes that what was missing in Lalanne’s supplementation was vitamin K2.


Vitamin K is best known for blood clotting. But vitamin K2, which protects against soft tissue calcification, was something Lalanne overlooked.

Calcification of soft tissue can be deadly; by taking vitamin K2, a massive heart attack could be avoided. There are two forms of vitamin K2 and people need both kinds: 1,000 mcg of MK-4 and 100 mcg of MK-7.

Homocysteine is a nonprotein amino acid. Its high levels in the blood make a person more prone to cell injury, leading to inflammation, which can raise the risk of coronary artery disease, such as blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.

In some cases of families with a history of heart disease, high homocysteine levels could be genetic. This is where an activated form of folic acid called L-methylfolate with vitamins B6 and B12 come in. People with high homocysteine problems must avoid a diet rich in methionine, like protein/beef, chicken, pork, fish and nuts. The action of the vitamin B family is to suppress the formation of homocysteine from methionine in food.

The alarming rise in congestive heart failure cases can be addressed through the restoration of the heart muscle’s ability to produce energy. The ideal cocktail mix of supplements would include acetyl-L-carnitine, taurine and a special form of coQ10, ubiquinol. This, plus DHEA, can restore heart output.

Countless studies have also been made on the damaging effects of stress on the body. Being in a state of stress, with adrenaline and cortisol flowing through the body, creates inflammation. If a person is in a constant state of stress, the result is a depressed immune system. This in turn raises one’s susceptibility to illness.

When you find yourself in a restless, agitated state, stop for a moment to do some relaxed breathing. Inhale five counts, hold your breath for three counts, then exhale for five counts. Repeat 10 times. If you close your eyes, your relaxation will be more enhanced. Understand and analyze who and what your stressors are. Try to avoid them. But if unavoidable, then learn to deal with them in a calm manner.

Choose wellness as your lifestyle. Its major pillars are healthy eating, exercise, sleep, stress management, vitamin/mineral supplementation and detoxification.

If you choose wellness, then you have decided to be well,  not ill.

This week’s affirmation: “I choose life.”

Love and light!

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