Marc Jacobs: ‘Let’s embrace the moment’

This collection is a celebration of all that is present, irrespective of its place in time. I have always found comfort in the familiar and the frequent return to the things that move me visually, emotionally and intellectually. It is an acknowledgment of moments past—now so digitally present—and a consideration of the innumerable moments captured in the fleeting now.

During the designing of this collection, I often found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of visual stimulation and the wonderful memories of days gone. As I explored the online archive of all the imagery that inspires others (both the individuals familiar to me and those not), it reinforced my belief in the power and importance of visual language, the beauty of individual style, imagination, creativity, instinct and feeling.

When I look around New York City in all its revelry, I do not lament the past, but always consider the people, places and things as they were in their moment. It is this city that never sleeps or stops rousing, giving and taking away, razing and rising, inspiring and conspiring. Let us take back the night but embrace tonight and the presence of present tense. Let us celebrate the beauty of pride in equality and all things in their natural integrity. —Marc Jacobs