POP bestsellers


The exclusive items for sale at the AsiaPOP Comicon moved very briskly as fans were excited at the prospect of owning rare collectibles. The Filbar’s booth—with the adjoining Hot Toys display—was swarming with fans.


The best-selling item at Filbar’s was its exclusive Floating Iron Man Mark III figure from maker Beast Kingdom. The artifact used magnets to give the Iron Man figure the appearance of flight; the very limited-edition item sold hotly, even with its P8,500 price tag.


The impressive selection of graphic novels at the National Book Store booth sold very well because of the 20-percent discount; the various coloring books and coloring tools attracted quite the crowd. At the Tomica booth, the Disney Pixar Monsters University Sully two-pack included a toy car that looked amazingly like a Pinoy jeepney—just the thing to spark the interest of a Con crowd ready and willing to buy. Ruel S. De Vera