A must-do list to stay well

A must-do list is something to be faithfully followed and religiously observed. If you intend to live long and feel strong, then let’s listen to advice from health experts.

Much like a red alert, always put on your priority list the act of drinking water—one full glass every hour on the hour. In fact, there is no need to debate  whether it should be eight, 10 or 15 glasses daily. Just drink no less than eight glasses each day. If you are ill or exhausted, go for 15.

Given a choice between cold and warm water, choose warm. There are people who prefer iced water and don’t feel a thing. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, the actual temperature of the stomach is warm. So, in order to preserve its natural heat level, warm water is recommended. The stomach could get into temperature change “shock” if iced water is introduced.

Straight spine

Question is, how should one breathe properly? Ideally, with a straight spine, shoulders back and face forward; looking at the horizon, inhale and exhale through the nose, in an unhurried manner.

Don’t you notice that every time you talk too fast, you also run out of breath? When your breathing is irregular, your lung capacity isn’t used  to the fullest, and the expected result is that your heart is deprived of much-needed oxygen, which is also delivered by the blood to every organ. Be conscious of proper breathing because the health of every organ depends on it.

For now:

1) Keep your back straight at all times. Do not slouch, even when half-lying in bed, support your lower back at all times.

2) Don’t carry a heavy handbag; if you cannot avoid it, transfer the weight to the other arm. In short, alternate balance of the weight from left to right arm equally.

Pop a pill. More than once, make it thrice a day—1,000 milligrams of vitamin C (preferably calcium ascorbate as it is not acidic to the tummy). Our body doesn’t produce vitamin C; thus the need to get it from natural sources like citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. But to be sure, take an oral vitamin supplement daily. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, and contributes to a better skin condition and radiant complexion.

Because vitamin C is water-soluble, within two hours, it is flushed out through your urine. In order to get the full range of protection versus bacteria, take it every two to three hours.

This week’s affirmation: “There is a perfect time for the perfect dream—and it is coming soon.”

Love and light!

E-mail the columnist: coryquirino1@yahoo.com