How Tom Holland flipped his way into becoming Spider-Man

Gymnastics and sports are the keys to Tom Holland, the newest and youngest actor to play Spider-Man

Lead photo from Instagram

We’re about to see the premiere of the latest reboot of the “Spider-Man” franchise. And this time around, the teenage superhero is portrayed by 20-year old Tom Holland who is by far the youngest Spidey we’ve seen. Just like any actor who’s landed a superhero role, Holland also underwent training fit for the part. But playing Spider-Man also comes with the added challenge of being extra agile and acrobatic.

Fortunately, Holland is fully equipped with a background in dance and gymnastics. In  an interview with Associated Press, the British actor said he was banking on his acrobatic skills to land him the role. It’s unsure whether it worked on Marvel but looking at his Instagram clips, it certainly helped.

How Tom Holland Got Ripped To Play Spider-Man

In addition, Holland’s training consisted of weights, circuit training, and cardio three to five times a week. Unlike other heroes, Spider-Man’s physique isn’t bulky, so Holland also needed to do bodyweight exercises to maintain his lean muscles. Another part of his workout consisted of explosive sports like boxing and basketball as well as gymnastics training.

Holland also had to use an electronic muscle stimulator, which sends electrical currents that tones and strengthens muscles. He told Men’s Journal that it feels like “20 minutes of absolute hell.”

When it comes to diet, Holland generally avoids junk food and sugary drinks. He eats five to six small meals a day and drinks a lot of water to keep his fat burning cycle going.

From what we can see, there’s a lot to look forward to with the new Spider-Man reboot. Seems like his youth and athleticism will give us a whole new kind of Spider-Man we haven’t seen before.