How to know if you’re nutritionally deficient

The human body speaks in a language of its own. Its words are aches and pains, and its message is, “Pay attention to me—now!”

The science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and substances in food (example: anthocyanins, phytochemicals, tannins, etc.) and its relation to optimal health is nutrition. This is based on the premise that good health requires good food.

Bad eating habits

Conversely, bad eating habits can lead to poor health. Thus, in keeping with the spirit of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine who said, “Let food be thy medicine and let your medicine be thy food,” let us attempt to correlate symptoms with what may be lacking in your diet.

Loss of appetite means lack of protein, vitamin A, B1, C, biotin, phosphorus, sodium and zinc.

Natural sources: Meat, fish, eggs, dairy, peanuts, liver, green    leafy vegetables, legumes, cabbage, potatoes, whole grains

Oral supplements: B complex, organic iron, vitamin C, manganese, zinc

Body odor and bad breath are caused by a lack of B12 and zinc. Your digestive tract may also lack good bacteria. 

Natural sources: Green leafy vegetables, liver, beef, whole grains, pumpkin/sunflower seeds

Oral supplements: 1-2 capsules of acidophilus (good bacteria enzymes), 1 chelated zinc, digestive enzymes

Bruising is caused by a lack of vitamin C.

Natural sources: Citrus fruits, guava, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, green peppers, peas

Oral supplements: vitamin C (calcium ascorbate), 1,000 milligrams 3 times a day

Constipation is the consequence of lack of water and fiber and B complex.

Natural sources: Whole grains, green leafy vegetables, legumes, 10-15 glasses of water daily, 3 tablespoons of psyllium fiber

Diarrhea is caused by lack of Vitamin K, niacin, vitamin F, potassium

Natural sources: Yogurt, alfalfa, soybean oil, fish oils, kelp, lean meat, liver, walnuts, bananas

Oral supplements: Acidophilus capsules (good bacteria)

Dizziness may be traced to lack of manganese, B2 (riboflavin)

Natural sources: Liver, nuts, green leafy vegetables, beets, eggs, milk, cheese, fish

Oral supplements: 50-100mg niacin, 200 iµ dry vitamin E 1-3 times daily, 60 mg gingko biloba

Ear noises (ringing/buzzing) mean a lack of  manganese, potassium, zinc.

Natural sources: Nuts, leafy greens, eggs, bananas, watercress, citrus fruits, sunflower seeds

Oral supplements: 50 mg zinc, 50-100 mg “no flush” niacin 3 times daily

Fatigue/weakness is caused by lack of zinc, carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, iodine

Natural sources: Natural sunshine, fish, meat, eggs, peanuts, liver, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage

Exposure to early morning sun for at least 20-30 minutes is good for vitamin D stimulation.

Gastric problems mean a lack of Vitamin C and B complex.

Natural sources: Leafy greens, fruits, brewers, yeast, raisins, cantaloupe, ripe olives, cabbage

Hair problems (thinning, loss) are caused by a lack of vitamin F, iodine, vitamin A complex

Natural sources: Raisins, walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cantaloupe, seafood, tomatoes, dairy

Oral supplements: Omega 3 capsules once daily, B complex 150 mg 2 times a day with meals, 1 gram cysteine daily, 1,000 mg choline and inositol daily

Insomnia may be traced to a lack of potassium, B complex, biotin, calcium

Natural sources: Bananas, watercress, leafy greens, citrus fruits, beef liver, unpolished rice, fish, milk, eggs, beans

Oral supplements: 1-5 mg melatonin ½ hour before bedtime, vitamin B6 100 mg, magnesium 100 mg chelated calcium ½ before bedtime

(Reference: Earl Mindell’s “Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century”)

This week’s affirmation: “I trust in the goodness of God.”

Love and light!

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