Bavarian feast awaits Sofitel Oktoberfest revelers

GERMAN sausages
GERMAN sausages

Beer lovers, mark these dates: Oct. 16 and 17 is Sofitel Philippine Plaza’s annual Oktoberfest.

At a recent media conference, the organizers said they want to exceed what they achieved last year:

Almost 4,000 revelers consumed 16,000 1-liter mugs of beer; 1,000 kg of German sausages; 320 kg of pork knuckles; 500 kg of chicken; 300 kgs of sauerkraut (fermented cabbage).

Sofitel has been celebrating Oktoberfest for five years now. This year, in collaboration with the German Club Manila, Sofitel will offer with a sumptuous Bavarian feast, limitless towers of beer, a showcase of German traditions, costumes and customs, and exciting raffle prizes.

BEER fountain at Sofitel Oktoberfest

Music, both traditional and modern, will be provided by the Bavarian Sound Express.

Oktoberfest is an ode to the Bavarian origins of the event—a five-day celebration of the marriage of Bavarian crown prince Ludwig to princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The royal wedding took place on Oct. 12, 1810.

A sample of the dishes to be served at Sofitel’s Oktoberfest was showcased at the media gathering: roast pork knuckles; roasted calf; laugen rolls; grilled German sausages; and an assortment of authentic German breads like pretzels, laugen rolls, and four-grain rolls.

Main dishes included classic German meat loaf; pork schnitzel; sauerbraten (braised beef); frkadellen (German meat patty); sauteed white fish fillet with butter and parsley; kartoffelknodel (potato dumplings); semmelknodel (Bavarian bread and cheese dumplings); and braised sauerkraut.

San Miguel Beer will provide the libations for the guests.

Call the German Club Manila at 894 2899 or e-mail at
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