She has a difficulty remembering directions

Dear Emily,

I hope you can enlighten me on this problem of mine. Call it stupidity or poor memory retention, but I’m one of those people who don’t have any sense of direction.  But I don’t have any problem remembering instructions, notes, quotes and even names. In fact, you can introduce me to 50 different people in a party, tipsy and all, and I can still remember their names correctly. This is really true.

I really find it hard remembering routes or paths especially if I don’t frequent them. There are people who after passing a certain way two or three times, can remember them later like the back of their hand. In my case, I have to go through it so may times over before I can memorize the place.

I have problems with malls. I usually get lost in them. It takes me countless visits to the place before I can familiarize myself in a place like Glorietta for instance, which up to now is still a problem for me.

Is there a cure for this kind of sickness (if indeed it is a sickness)? Is this is an inborn disease I have to endure the rest of my life?


Have you met anyone perfect enough to remember everything?

And, hey, you flatter me for thinking I can solve your spatial problem!  And if you think you’re alone in this, think again! There could be other million quiet sufferers of this “malady,” present company included. If this worries you too much and think your situation is not getting any better, consult a neurologist to ascertain whether you have serious reasons to actually worry.

But you mentioned something positive about your mental state like having total recall of dozens of names during party introductions.  That is a terribly difficult task! I sometimes forget the name of the person I came with! Honestly, I don’t think there’s much for you to worry.

Just help yourself along the way by writing down everything you have difficulty remembering. Write the street, the intersections, landmarks, whatever will help you. And just be humble enough to ask, ask ask. Among the best people to ask for directions are the tricycle drivers plying the streets. Hail one when you start getting lost and pay him to bring you directly to the address you’re looking for. When you’re in malls, ask ask ask every turn of the way. Some malls are so circuitous that only the people who work there regularly can know the place by heart.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Nobody’s perfect!

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