Reimagining Jack and Sally from ‘Nightmare…’

JACK Skellington
JACK Skellington

Halloween is such a thrilling occasion.

It’s the time when you can dress up as a mythical creature, your favorite character, or just something witty altogether. And there’s the bag of candies to be given to children knocking for a trick-or-treat. Halloween, after all, is for kids and for kids at heart.

Over the years, there have been countless novels, poems, short stories and movies that have portrayed Halloween. Perhaps the best movie on it so far is Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas.” Its lead character, Jack Skellington, is the reigning king pumpkin of Halloween. We never fail to sing along whenever we hear “This is Halloween,” one of the songs on its soundtrack.

It’s been 22 years since the movie’s release, which means today’s kids might not easily identify with the lead characters. This is why I decided to redesign Jack and his love interest Sally in a more modern and edgy style—something that could pique the interest even of the millennials.

I made human versions of the characters sporting the latest hairstyles and fashionable trends.

So, while the department stores in the malls are lining up their walls with holiday decor and blasting Christmas songs, go on, get a brush and paint a skull face, because this is the time when Jack, the pumpkin king, reigns supreme.


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