How you can change your life through Kabbalah

WAS IT fate or coincidence? On Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Kabbalah community couldn’t make it to their offices at the World Trade Center. They were either held back by other appointments, family obligations or transportation glitches. In a few hours, two planes crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center. The complex collapsed later, killing 3,000 people.


“Some chaos has to happen because somebody decided on that. There’s free will. God doesn’t choose these disasters,” said French kabbalistic astrologer Yael Yardeni.


On the invitation of the Kabbalah Center of the Philippines, Yardeni gave a lecture and did readings in Makati.


Kabbalistic astrology is the oldest branch of learning of the Kabbalah.


Contrary to popular belief, Kabbalah is not a religion but an oral tradition of universal laws that date back to the time Moses and the 10 Commandments.


“It’s wisdom of love that expresses,” Yardeni said. “In Hebrew, it means ’to receive.’”


The meaning is a paradox. On the one hand, one learns to receive enlightenment and blessings. On the other, one must share positivism so as not to become just a taker.


People who are drawn to Kabbalah are searching for deeper truths and guidance.


“They want to have a clearer direction about their potential,” said Yardeni.


Freedom from past


Unlike Western astrology which is founded on the Gregorian calendar or the location of the sun, kabbalistic astrology utilizes the Hebrew calendar which is based on the placements of the sun and the moon.


The individual’s sign is determined by a Kabbalah astrology converter.


“One of the main differences between kabbalistic astrology and conventional astrology is that the zodiac sign does not make the personality traits,” said Yardeni. “The sign means that the soul is born on a certain date to a certain family and has come with a set of traits that need to be worked on,”


Most of her clients are interested in how they can free themselves from patterns of attitudes and situations that have held them back from growing.


Yardeni likens the kabbalistic chart to a spiritual global positioning system.


The positions of the planetary energies and how they interact with each other will determine the level of ease or difficulty in certain areas of people’s lives, she explained.


People are given suggestions on how to meet these situations. Realizing the role of free will, they need not feel victims so they can control their destiny.


“One decision can totally change your future,” said Yardeni.


Planetary influence


The sun, the moon, and some planets such as Mars and Venus affect the emotions while others influence major directions in life such as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto.


“If Mars, the gasoline of the zodiac and the planet of confrontation, is dysfunctional, it’s going to show a resistance—either a fight or a flight,” said Yardeni. “As an astrologer, you give homework like meditation or how to handle situations,” she said.


“Saturn is not an easy planet. We call it the Lord of Karma and the spiritual teacher. With Saturn, all the red lights are ominous.”


Saturn is often seen in relation to the placement of the sun and moon, Yardeni said.


“If Saturn is close to the Moon, then it will create issues with a parent, particularly the mother or an authority figure. It would bind the person to make an effort to get along with that parent. The person will have to immediately look into the self for the unconditional love towards that parent. That’s the biggest teaching for that person’s life.”


The kabbalistic astrological chart also delves into the individual’s past life. Some situations may have been a result of past actions in a previous incarnation.


“[The past] plays a big role in one’s transformation,” she said. “If I don’t know I was a bank robber in my past life, I might be short-changing my employees in this life.”


The astrologer looks at the poles (north and south nodes) that reveal the destiny, past life and the tikkun (“correction of the soul” in Hebrew). This means that by knowing one’s past history and purpose, one can rewrite destiny.


“The astrologer’s job is to dig—to show what happened, what needs to be done in this lifetime in order to correct yourself,” Yardeni said. “Ideally, after many years of working on yourself, your chart should no longer apply.”


In such case, the client consults the astrologer for a new chart.


Asked if her clients are concerned about money matters, Yardeni explained that money is a consequence of a flow of energy:


“How can I improve sustenance in my life? Sometimes a person may not be sharing enough in their life.


They don’t say hello to their neighbor or don’t give enough of their heart to people around them. Globally, that creates slowness of energy flow or energy-slash-money coming into their lives.”


Disciplinary measures


Movements of planets have also affected the world. With Saturn in Sagittarius until 2017, the countries will undergo important changes.


“Saturn in opposition brings law and order,” said Yardeni. “Systems have to be put into place. Saturn is a very good planet for a country to establish itself in much more solid way. Take better advantage of natural resources in the country or become more aware the country’s mission. These will not be easy years, but this transit can be powerful years. If a leader understands these, he can facilitate change.”


Since Saturn rules Sagittarius, the sign of knowledge, education will improve.


“World leaders need to understand that the quality of education of our children is vital,” said Yardeni. “In the past, it went on a downgrade; Saturn can help by raising more consciousness, and finally decide that teachers should be better paid. They should be respected as in the ancient times.”


Pluto in Capricorn from 2009 to 2023 brings changes in disciplinary measures.


“When Pluto entered Capricorn, which is like the taxman, the Ponzi schemes came out,” she said.


“People who gambled with other people’s money, pyramid schemes that never worked. Pluto served as the exposé.” (Coincidentally, the transit exposed more scams in the Philippine government. It also burst the real-estate bubble in other countries.)


Earlier, when Pluto was close to Jupiter, te world experienced big start-ups, crowd-funding and real-estate and construction boom.


“Sagittarius has an element of gambling energy,” said Yardeni. “In a good business, everybody wins. When Pluto entered Capricorn, the castle fell like a deck of cards. This is why the world economy is slowing down. It is being audited by Pluto.”


With Uranus in Aries from 2011 to 2018, the world has been living in wraith of violence.   “Uranus is the ruler of terrorism, in Aries is out of control,” she said.


The chaos is balanced by the shift of consciousness influenced by Neptune in Pisces (2011-2026).


“Neptune is the planet of spirituality and Pisces is the sign high evolution,” said Yardeni. “Pisces is still ruled by Jupiter (expansion), but it is helped by Neptune. This opens up a very strong spiritual strength.” Yardeni quoted French intellectual André Malraux as saying, “Religion will be the measure of humanity in the 21st century.”


On President Barack Obama’s horoscope, she observed that although he’s a Leo, his chart has a lot of Aquarius influences.


“He’s a gentleman, foremost,” she said. “He’s an intellectual. He’s got vision and has ideals that want to make his country a better place.”


Obama’s health care reform has made insurance more accessible to millions of Americans. “Although it was well intentioned, it may bear some consequences in the future,” she warned. “I would tell him to surround himself with grounded types—get Taurus and Capricorn who will translate the vision with practicality and in a systematic way.”


In contrast, former President Bill Clinton, also a Leo like Obama, had a lot Taurus influences in his chart, which explained his sharp political skills and realistic, focus-oriented leadership.


In the end, Yardeni’s message is about personal unfolding in these delicate times. “Send a memo to yourself and to the world. Share a smile, send a good word and spread love.”


For details on Kabbalah, contact 09175091333 or