The power of healing thoughts, intentions and prayer

(Part 2)

In last week’s column, I wrote about how I healed my left ring finger by merely talking to it. That claim or allegation sounds ridiculous, until we consider the fact that there are actually several scientific studies and experiments that tend to prove the intimate connection between mind and body.

All the cells in our body are in constant communication with one another through neurotransmitters and their receptors, according to neuroscientist Candace Pert, who discovered the peptide receptor in the brain, for which her senior team researcher Solomon Snyder won the Lasker Award, considered a forerunner of the Nobel Prize.

“Pert’s discovery,” reported the Sydney Morning Herald, “led to a revolution in neuroscience, helping open the door to an information-based model of the brain replacing the old structuralist model.”

The budding science of psycho-neuro-immunology has established the intimate communication between our mind, emotions and the immune system. Numerous controlled laboratory experiments have been conducted proving this connection beyond doubt.

But even lower forms of life, like plants, apparently respond to human thought and emotions. In the ’70s, polygraph expert Cleve Backster attached electrodes to the leaves of a polyhedron plant. Then he got a match and decided to burn the leaves.  Even before he could light the match, the leaves registered a reaction on the polygraph instrument.

Reacting to death

In another experiment, Backster tried to find out if the plants would react to another living being’s death. He attached electrodes to the leaves of the plant. Near it, he placed several chicken’s eggs on a ledge. On the floor was a pail of boiling water.

When an egg was pushed off the ledge by a mechanical device, the plant reacted as the egg hit the boiling water. The same reaction appeared when the second and third egg dropped into the boiling water.

But after the third egg fell, the plant did not react anymore. It seemed to have become indifferent to the death of the egg.

A story I once read in a magazine told of how plants correctly identified a murderer. An elderly woman was murdered in a room full of plants she had been tending to. Four suspects were rounded up by the police. But how to identify the real murderer when there were no other witnesses—except the plants?

Somebody thought of attaching the leaves of the plants to the electrodes of a polygraph machine. And then each suspect was asked to enter the room, one after the other. The plants did not react to the first three suspects who entered the room. But when the fourth suspect entered, the plants reacted violently. He was arrested by the police and later confessed to the crime.

The Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto proved through a series of experiments that even a non-living thing, like water, reacted to human thought and emotions. How did he do it?

Mr. Emoto froze ordinary water and then looked at its crystal molecular formation through a special microscope. And then he let the ice melt.

When the ice was in its liquid form, Mr. Emoto started to curse the water verbally.  After that he immediately froze the water again and looked at its molecular structure. He found the molecules scattered and ugly.

Message from water

Then he apologized to the water and said he didn’t mean any word he said, and asked to be forgiven.

After that, he froze the water again and looked at its molecular structure. He found the molecules formed into a beautiful structure.

Emoto did thousands of experiments using tap water, and then water from rivers and lakes. He discovered the same pattern of reaction of the molecules to his thoughts and words. He wrote a best-selling and pioneering book entitled “Message from Water.”

Dr. William Tiller is a materials engineer and physicist at Stanford University. He wanted to find out if human intention can alter the pH ratio of water and accelerate the biological growth of a firefly’s larvae even from thousands of miles away.

For the first experiment, he asked four experienced meditators to either increase or lower the pH level of water by imprinting such an intention on an electrical device. This device was then wrapped in aluminium and sent to a laboratory 2,000 miles away, where it was placed beside the target of the experiment and turned on.

If the electrical device was imprinted with the idea of lowering or increasing the pH value of water, it was lowered and increased according to the intention. The experiment was repeated countless times and the results were consistent.

The same results were obtained when the intention was to accelerate or retard the growth of the larvae of firefly. Such experiments conclusively show that human thought or intention can affect material objects, even at great distances.

Larry Dossey is a well-known doctor of medicine who made a series of controlled studies proving that prayer directed at a sick person, even at a distance, can bring about statistically significant positive results. He divided patients with similar heart ailments into Group A and B.

Group A patients were prayed for by a group many miles away from the hospital, without telling them the names of the patients prayed for. At the end of the experiment, the health status of these two groups was evaluated. Group A patients registered remarkable improvement in their condition compared to group B, thus showing that prayer has the power to heal.

Such studies have tremendous implications to our health and well-being, as well as to the aging process. As the world-renowned endocrinologist and wellness guru Dr. Deepak Chopra pointed out in his book, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”: “By inserting intention into your thought process, you can begin to exert control over those brain centers that determine how much energy will be expressed in an activity… You can prevent getting old.”

The next Psychic Reading and Remote Viewing (three-hour workshop) will be on Dec. 19, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Rm. 308, Prince Plaza I Condominium., Legaspi St. Greenbelt, Makati City. Interested parties may call tel. 8107245 or mobile no. 0998-9886292.