8 ingenious things that make life easier

Never have we ever had a time as great as now for all modern Edisons! Here are 8 clever things created by this generation’s smart inventors that definitely make life easier! Now, if only we could have them all.

1. This ingenious dustpan that actually cleans your broom as you sweep along. With this, there’s no need to slam your brooms on the wall to clear the dust.

2. This cool notepad that you can bring with you inside the shower. If you ever find yourself wondering why such a product had to be created, it’s because a lot of people generate ideas and life decisions while taking a bath.

3. These plate clippers that hold your wine glass at parties, because you still need your right hand for socializing.

4. This scrap saver that takes care of your peelings. No more sweeping the floors! But if you ever have to, then you have item #1 to help you out.

5. This magnificently clever desktop book holder that holds the book for you while you enjoy the view and your shot of espresso.

6. This nifty little gadget that you can stick to any item you know you always misplace, like eyeglasses, keys, and wallet. You can then locate the item via signals transmitted by the device, which you can track on your mobile phone. So digital and so convenient.

7. This big clip that conveniently holds and secures all your shopping bags. Now all you have to do is remember to always bring those eco-bags with you whenever you go grocery shopping!

8. This handy dandy pair of herb scissors that could cut fresh herbs into equal sizes. Spring onions and basil never looked so good as garnish.


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