Food frozen fresh after a harvest are able to keep their nutritional integrity

Here are some little truths that can impact your health profile in a big way.

Is it safe to freeze, thaw and refreeze food?

Thawed food must never be left on a kitchen counter at room temperature. Bacteria like the warmth; they thrive in it.

Do not thaw food in the danger temperature zone, which is 40-120°F. Worst still, running hot water over frozen food is risky from the standpoint of food safety.  Frozen food should be submerged in a bowl of cold water, which should be changed frequently.

Cooked food that have been frozen can be thawed in the refrigerator. The unused portion can also be refrozen. Food left outside the refrigerator for more than two hours and exposed to temperatures above 90°F should not be refrozen.  The maximum limit for storing leftovers is three to four days. 

Do frozen vegetables and fruits retain their nutritional value?

While it is best to consume food fresh from the harvest, frozen food is not such a bad choice if farm-fresh isn’t available. Food frozen fresh after a harvest are able to keep their nutritional integrity. 

Research suggests that fresh vegetables could lose up to 45 percent of their nutritional content.  The waiting time is what causes the loss—from farm to freezer to grocery.

Are nuts fattening?

Generally, most nuts are high in fat and calories. But if eaten in moderation, they are a rich source of protein. The key is simply moderation. The ideal protein intake is 40-70 grams a day (whether your source is animal-based or nuts). 

Consider the following: 

1) Macadamia nuts—highest in fat, lowest in protein and carbohydrate, rich in magnesium and manganese.

2) Pecans—packed with vitamins and minerals, which lower LDL cholesterol.

3) Walnuts—¼ cup of walnuts is enough to provide omega-3 fats plus minerals. Its amino acid L-arginine promotes heart health.    The antioxidant nutrition of walnuts is in the skin.


4) Almonds—like walnuts, almonds are more nutritious with the skin on. Do you know that a cup of almonds is equivalent to a cup of broccoli or green tea?

5) Brazil nuts—best source of the cancer-fighting mineral selenium.

6) Pistachio—high in vitamin E.    Eating pistachios contributes to weight loss and improved blood sugar levels.

7) Seeds—if you want your serving of mineral-rich food, try pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, copper and vitamin B.

The healthiest of nuts are best eaten raw, not roasted. Raw nuts should be soaked in water overnight to remove phytic and enzyme inhibitors for better assimilation by the body.

Is lack of sleep now a health epidemic?

Yes. It is estimated that 40 percent of people worldwide do not get the required eight hours (for adults). Many people manage only about five hours, which will eventually contribute to weight gain, decreased sex drive, risk of accidents, anxiety, depression, fatigue and memory loss.

What are the health benefits of baking soda?

Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda, is generally regarded as a deodorizer for refrigerators and a “green” cleaning option for kitchens and bathrooms, as well as a cleaning solution for vegetables.

It also has health benefits:

Using a neti-pot, a pinch of baking soda in a cup of warm water can detoxify the sinuses.

Bicarbonate is an alkaline substance, which actually is produced naturally in the body. Its job is to buffer any acids irritating the stomach lining.

Indigestion: Here’s a heartburn reliever—½ teaspoon baking soda in a half cup of water, 1-2 hours after meals. (source: As always, consult your doctor.

Skin treatment—½ cup of baking soda in a bathtub of warm water can soothe psoriasis. As a body scrub, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda to make a paste. This is a good exfoliant.

This week’s affirmation: “I am capable of so much more.”

Love and light!

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