12 things my daughters should remember

The author with husband Pete Felix and daughters Martina and Lucia
The author with husband Pete Felix and daughters Martina and Lucia

1) Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Especially yourself.
2) Always listen to your inner voice. It will keep you safe.
3) Don’t take yourself too seriously. Keep your sense of humor in spite of the circumstances.
4) Apologize when you’re wrong and forgive those who can’t give forgiveness.
5) If you want to give up, don’t! Take baby steps if you must, but keep walking.
6) You will make mistakes. It’s okay. We made them, too, but it taught us what we needed to learn.
7) Fall in love with yourself first before that someone special.
8) Make sure he treats you like a princess, the way Daddy does.
9) Always be generous. You have so much more than so many.
10) Do what makes you happy. If it doesn’t, it’s not for you.
11) Always wear sunscreen and start moisturizing in your 20s.
12) Some rules are meant to be broken. Except mine.

The author is a stay-at-home mom who just recently earned an additional degree in Interior Design, and is mother to Martina, 12, and Lucia, 8, and wife to Pete Felix.