Use your mobile safely on V Day

Experts agree that mobile or cellular phones produce radiation, but the jury is still out on just how harmful that is to humans.

Whatever the final verdict is, the website BabaMail offers tips gathered from preliminary reports to help reduce whatever health risks are associated with this gadget which many people can no longer live without.

With Valentine’s Day coming up, we can expect that mobile phone use will spike significantly.

“The most important thing you need to know right away is that your phone sometimes transmits a stronger (and therefore, more hazardous) signal, while at other times it will transmit very weakly or not at all. It’s a good idea to know when that happens and when it doesn’t to avoid causing yourself harm. Parents should especially heed this advice, as children are most susceptible to radiation damage,” according to BabaMail.

Here are the website’s tips to minimize exposure to cell-phone radiation:

Keep some distance. Hold your cell phone as far away from your body as possible.

Use a headset (wired or Bluetooth) to keep the handset away from your head.

Do not press the handset against your head… being very close (to your phone) greatly increases energy absorption.

Limit the length of mobile calls.

Use text (short message service or SMS) instead of voice wherever (and whenever) possible.

Put the cell phone on speaker mode.

Use your phone where reception is good. If the signal is weak, a mobile phone will increase its transmission power. Find a strong signal and avoid movement.

Metal and water are good conductors of radio waves, so avoid using a mobile phone while wearing metal-framed glasses or having wet hair.