Balancing is about prioritizing

My goodness, 2016! You certainly know how to keep a girl busy! It’s been a lot of work on all fronts, and truth be told, I hardly noticed that the first month of the year had come and gone until a few days ago, when I received a message from my editor. That was a wake-up call!

I guess that is the beauty of beginning a new year. There is the feeling that you can start anything, despite whatever stage in your life you may be. It also comes with that strong momentum which can carry you forward through whatever challenges you may face.

In my case, I recently decided to enter into a new venture. It’s been an exciting time, especially since I’ve been learning quite a lot about my new chosen industry. Considering the amount of work that comes with putting up a new business, I’ve also had to spend more time away from home.
Fortunately, thanks to technology, I have had the opportunity to work from home, at my own pace, and still be there for the kids.

Mixed emotions

Taking on more work always gives me mixed emotions. There is the excitement of starting and completing tasks and projects outside home and parenting. It is like a chance for a completely different side of me to come out and play.

However, as with many mothers all over the world, there is also that guilt factor. I’ve said I would take on more work once Adriana and Juanmi entered big school, but that was before the arrival of Santi. Now that the two older ones are in big school, I can go on as planned, but having a (not-so) new baby certainly changes things—reawakening the constant debate in my head between working and staying home.

On one hand, did you know that studies found that most daughters of working mothers go on to higher earning jobs and careers? I guess you could credit this to the exposure they have while growing up. While I don’t want to pressure my daughter, I would certainly like for her to grow up knowing she can do whatever she wants to do, whether she’s a corporate captain or a mother. Sons also benefit as they supposedly grow up with a more egalitarian point of view.

On the other hand, children of mothers who stay at home supposedly have higher grades and get into less trouble. There’s also more time for bonding.

Of course, there is always the option of “balancing” work and family. It sounds great on paper, but this whole “balancing act” is not so much about balancing but rather prioritizing.

I often wonder about women who have it all. I bet they do have it all, except for sleep. But I value sleep, so I guess I will just have to aim lower and simply focus on getting things done, one day at a time.

Last month, however, I didn’t have the luxury of simply “getting things done, one day at a time.” We’ve had to plan half a year ahead and make sure everything was prepared, as I expect the next three months will be consumed by the coming election campaign.

Joyful task
Campaigning for my husband is a task I take on with joy. It’s exhausting beyond belief, but it has its silver linings. I love meeting people from north to south. The stories they share are far more interesting than the usual bits and pieces that make it to Manila.

Then there is the opportunity to see more of our beautiful country. Embarking on a national campaign is like going on an express tour of the Philippines. Over the last few years, I’ve made it from Abra to Zamboanga. There are still a few places I would like to visit, such as Batanes and Camiguin. Maybe this is the year I will be able to cover them.

One thing I look forward to is campaigning in my hometown, La Union. It always feels like a homecoming, as I get to see family and relive childhood memories.
Of course, the food is another plus when it comes to visiting different regions. There is the mouthwatering Cebu lechon. The kakanin (rice cakes) is always the right level of sweetness and oh so moist when bought fresh from the market vendors. And if we are by the sea, I bring home a box of fresh crabs whenever possible.

Lastly, I consider myself very fortunate to be working with the same team since 2007. Rainy and Mariz are highly efficient and skilled while, at the same time, as much fun as a high school troupe.

We know each other’s stories and have developed a friendship that extends outside the office. As for the rest of the team, my husband and I are honored to be surrounded by people who have stood by us through thick and thin over the years.

With everything in place, it looks like the only thing left to do is to buckle up and get ready for the season!