Chic, colorful containers for your candles

With just a few bottles of colored nail polish, you can make your own candleholder
With just a few bottles of colored nail polish, you can make your own candleholder

Here is a simple DIY activity that will certainly add a chic flair to your table setting or table-top tableaux.

Pretty up your votive candles in glass containers with this marbling technique that’s simple to do.


Assorted colored nail polish
Disposable plastic container
Glass votives
Paper towels or newspaper


After choosing your nail-polish colors, fill your plastic container with water. Make sure to use a container that is disposable because nail polish can leave marks on the surface of the container.

Drop in small amounts of the nail polish into the water, layer the colors as you wish, dropping them on top one another. You can also use one color for a more disciplined monochromatic look.

Using a toothpick, create patterns by running the toothpick through the layered colors. This will create a marbling pattern.

Dip the glass votive in the water and nail-polish concoction.

Lift the glass out of the mixture and you will see that the nail polish has adhered to the surface of the glass.

Let this dry —nail polish side up.

Don’t forget to put paper towels or newspapers on the surface you are working on and where the glass votive will dry. This will help you avoid staining your table or work space.