Young Love: Fashion Stylist Ria Casco and Entertainment Consultant Mike Pio Roda

Ria wears a bodysuit from Topshop and trousers from H&M. Mike wears a button-down polo from Club Monaco with joggers from Uniqlo.

This February, Preen talks about all kinds of relationships and how stories of love don’t always follow just one plotline. From fairy-tale romances to overlooked connections, we’re hoping to find what makes them all equally special.

Yesterday, we gave you best friends-turned-college sweethearts Kimi Juan and Thomas Caja. Today, we’ve got stylist and regular Preen contributor Ria Casco and her boyfriend Mike.

Ria was one of the founding members of Preen’s editorial team when we first launched, and while we were shooting a few sequences for our #TeamPreenPH video in ARCHIVES d’homme et femme, Mike wandered down from his apartment (which was conveniently located in the same building), just to say hi and see her at work. It was hard not to notice the puppy-dog eyes he gazed at her with, and the little moments Ria snatched in between layouts to talk to him.

After we wrapped up, he gave her a quick kiss good-bye and headed back up. And isn’t that what being in love is like? Those little moments you try to steal away to see the other person, even just for a little bit?

Well, we got to know this strikingly compatible couple a little more today. Find out how they met, and watch their natural chemistry play out in our photos below.

Ria sports a bodysuit from Sune with shorts from H&M under a dress (used as jacket) from Ines dela Fressange for Uniqlo. Mike wears a button-down polo from Uniqlo, a jacket from H&M, and joggers from Uniqlo.

Ria Casco, 23, fashion stylist/writer
Mike Pio Roda, 31, entertainment consultant

How did you guys meet? 
Miko Pio Roda: Interestingly enough, she worked for my previous business partner.
Ria Casco: We met at work. (Laughs)
MPR: She sat just outside the office I worked out of whenever I was in town. But it wasn’t until maybe a few months down the line when her friends started to invite me out to hang and we really got to know each other.
RC: My friends started hanging out with him because they knew I had a little crush on him. Then somehow, we became friends, too.

Who asked out whom? How?
MPR: Ria did. Kidding! It was really months in the making where we would go out nearly every day with her friends and hang out.
RC: I really wouldn’t even say he “asked me out” because one day we were watching a movie as a group, the next day, we were watching Olympus Has Fallen, just us two.
MPR: Ever so slowly her friends started to dissipate and it would eventually [lead us to] just hanging out by ourselves.
RC: I had no idea until I asked my friends if they were watching with us, and it turns out he didn’t ask anyone else except me.
MPR: Then POOF! Relationship. Friendship-turned-relationship.
RC: He’s sneaky like that!

Describe the moment that you decided you wanted to date this person exclusively.
MPR: This moment I remember vividly. It was one stormy night in BGC and we had just finished walking around High Street and decided to go for some gelato before heading home. With the rain and floods, we were stranded for a little more than an hour. We sat there eating our gelato just chatting the storm away and talking about everything from life to aspirations to family. Being there, at that moment, made me realize who I had in front of me and how special she was.
RC: We’d been hanging out simultaneously for two weeks until one night, after dinner, he asked me, “So we’ve been seeing each other every day for the past two weeks. Would you consider that dating?” Stumped, I shrugged my shoulders because I really didn’t know what it was at that point, then he went, “Because I like you.” Naturally, I told him I liked him too. And that was basically the beginning of it!

How long have you been dating?
RC: Three years by this May.
MPR: Two years, eight months, and 29 days as of Valentine’s Day this Sunday.

Favorite activities to do together?
MPR: Eat, Netflix, eat, movies, eat, cook, eat, and travel…
RC: Discover and eat at new restaurants, travel, take naps and snuggle, baby talk (I know, gross), and lately, Netflix!!!

Favorite things about each other?
RC: He genuinely respects who I am and NEVER makes me feel inferior in any way. Oh, and he looks so serious but he’s secretly a big softie!
MPR: Her feistiness and passion for all things. There’s not a moment where she’s not striving to be better or striving to progress.

Pet peeves?
MPR: Her passion to be right about everything… ;)
RC: His temper. And that he doesn’t fix his stuff so he accumulates clutter! (Laughs)

 Why do you think you two work so well together?
RC: Because we’re so alike in so many ways, we kind of just “get” each other. Everything is just so natural, nothing is ever forced.
MPR: We’re both Aries and our birthdays are only five days apart. We are perfectionists at heart and compliment each other when it comes to both work and relationship.

Ria wears a jumpsuit from Reformation, while Mike wears a button-down polo and jacket from Topman with a belt and jeans from Uniqlo.

 Can you defend your relationship in the court of law? What would you say?
RC: I have no objection. Guilty as charged. I love this weirdo!
MPR: Would picture and video evidence be valid in this court? If so, great! If not, no words in any language would do our relationship justice. I’d just be a prisoner of love. 

What’s your take on V-Day? Fun day of cheese or cheesy Hallmark holiday? 
MPR: I accept the day for what it is. Love should be celebrated every day, not just for one day or just a month. But it doesn’t hurt to have excuses to celebrate special occasions and rationalize extra gifts to people.
RC: Both, I think. For the most part, we hate admitting that we’re cheesy, but in reality, we kind of are. I guess that’s really how it is when you love someone. You can’t get away from the mush.

Ria wears a tank and pants from Topshop, and Mike wears a shirt from Topman with a belt and jeans from Uniqlo.

 Are you guys celebrating? How?
RC: We are, but we haven’t made plans yet. We’ve been pretty busy the past few weeks. But as long as we’re together on that day, I’m a happy girl!
MPR: We already did somewhat when we went to Boracay earlier this week. But I’ve got a little surprise for Ria come Valentine’s Day.


Photos by Paolo Tabuena
Sittings by Jacqueline Arias
Styling by Ria Casco
Makeup by Bea Colet for MAC Cosmetics