Can the lines on our palm change?

A few weeks ago, a man in his 40s (whom we shall call John) came to consult me about an unusual problem or concern for which he could find no ready answer. He was accompanied by his wife, who, like him, was also a professional.

For a long time, he had been seeking answers about who he really was and his origin. “As a child I have always believed I was not from planet earth,” he said. “Is that possible?”

I asked him why he thought so. “Because I know things most people cannot know. I feel there is someone else I can’t see following me and giving me advice. Many times I feel I have lived elsewhere in the universe other than on this planet.”

“And he is now even questioning the existence of God,” added his wife. “His doubts and his endless search are affecting our lives and our work. We don’t know what to do or where to go anymore.”

In John’s search for answers, he came under the influence of local albularyos and healers who believe in amulets or talismans and in the practice of oracions (secret power words or prayers). He was given these oracions to recite, and even had an amulet inserted under the skin of his arm.

As he went with these local healers or albularyos, he began to have doubts because he was not getting the answers he was looking for about the origins of God, the mysteries of creation, and his own role or mission on earth.

“Is it really possible I am not from earth?” he asked me. “Am I going out of my mind?”

He said he came across the concept of “Star Seeds” on the internet, and all the characteristics of the Star Seed people applied to him. “Are there really such people as Star Seeds?” he asked further

I said, I don’t think he is getting crazy. And yes, it is possible he is not from earth. But it would take me a long time to explain this.

A better idea

I gave him titles of books and authors which he could consult to get a better idea of what I was about to explain to him. He and his wife listened very intently as I pictured to them possible worlds beyond the belief or understanding of western materialist scientists and religion.

I told him about the researches and theories of such scholars and investigators as Zecharia Sitchin in the “12th Planet,” Graham Hancock in his book “Fingerprints of God,” and Dr. James Hurtak in his book “Secret Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch.” I told him I had met Jim Hurtak personally in 1984 and 1987 and have had long conversations with him regarding extraterrestrials and ultraterrestrials.

John was relieved to find somebody he could talk to who didn’t think he was crazy. I told him that his psychic gifts are beyond what the local albularyos can comprehend. This is a different ball game altogether. He is in touch with “Higher Intelligence,” judging from what he revealed to me. Later events proved me correct.

During his second visit, I elaborated on what I tried to explain to him during his first visit, which he was not yet ready at that time to understand. His progress had been phenomenal in terms of consciousness after that. I also told him to stop seeing those local albularyos because they are not in the same league as he is. About two weeks after that, he texted me this question which I couldn’t answer:

“Is it possible,” he asked, “for the lines of a man’s palm to change? I have one minor line missing, but two lines were added.

“The first line was added on my right palm when the albularyos gave me an invisible gold book. The line vanished when I surrendered all I knew about oracions and its practices.

“Two lines were added after the second time we visited you, Sir, when you showed us the stone you brought from Mt. Banahaw.”

Surprised at his questions, I asked him how he knew the lines of his palms had changed. Did he memorize them?

This was his reply: “I always look at my palms to check if I have sapi (or spirit). I have memorized the alignment of the lines.

“After the albularyos gave me the invisible book on my right hand, a new line appeared separate from the rest of the existing lines. They said it is my new destiny.

“The said line disappeared when I gave up everything to God. The new lines appeared after we met you the second time.”

I told John that oracions are two-edged swords. They could be used for good or for evil. And one never knows if the oracions given him come from positive or negative forces.

He said he had been told that the albularyos are protected by invisible “horses” captured from trees. Each horse has a book to be given only to initiates. He was given two horses as his protectors.

“When I discovered that the horses were tikbalangs (earth elementals, usually malevolent) and the oracions call on unblessed angels, I surrendered everything to God and that day, the line on my palm disappeared.”

Note: Attend the next Inner Mind Development seminar on Nov.19-20, 2011 from 9 am to 5 pm, and the next Basic ESP & Intuition Development Seminar on Nov. 26-27, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza 1, Legazpi St., Greenbelt Makati. For reservation and appointment for personal consultancy please call tel. nos. 810-7245/815-9890 or mobile no. 0920-981-8962. Listen to my radio program over dzMM every Sunday, 8-9 p.m. E-mail Visit my website,