V-Day’s Come and Gone, So Why Didn’t Alden Get Anything for Yayadub?

Valentine’s Day may be over, but Maine Mendoza (aka Yayadub) is still reeling from the day of hearts—and no, AlDub fans, it’s not because of anything Alden Richards did.

Nope, on Maine’s Instagram account, the only indication of her V-Day celebration is a poem penned by her favorite author, international best-selling Chinese-Australian poet Lang Leav. She posted the entire poem on her page, saying, “I love her and I am a big fan of hers ever since! I am so happy, thank you so (sic) so much for this @langleav! Happy Valentines Day, everyone!”

Noticeably, there’s nary a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolate from Alden to be seen on her page, which brings us to think: Maybe it’s time to step up your game, eh, Alden? After all, it takes work to keep the embers of love burning—fans and Twitter trends alone won’t do that for you. And while V-Day-themed endorsements help, a staged date can’t quite compare to a real one:

Alden and Maine ALDUB Cadbury FULL TVC

Also, seeing as how we never really saw that AlDub Valentine’s Day concert materialize, we’re guessing that perhaps the hottest showbiz tandem of 2015 is starting to cool down?

Is there a local version of Hitch who can give Alden some dating advice? The guy probably needs a kick in the head—after all, who ever paid attention to him before Maine came along?



Photo courtesy of Zeibiz