The A to Z of wellness

EXPERTS on learning noted that the best way a piece of information can be clearly understood and remembered is when it comes naturally—unforced and accepted.


In short, when the mind is open, it can receive new knowledge. The key is to be in a relaxed state. So, sit back and enjoy. Think about the time you were a child, and you were first taught your ABCs.


Wellness, in its broadest sense, is a state of total well-being. Because its landscape keeps expanding, it continues to evolve. Its foundation is the balance of body, mind and spirit. So, here we go—just a few reminders in alphabetical order to keep you focused on your own personal balance.




A: Another day is an addition to your blessings. Each day you open your eyes is a gift.


B: B-complex is the energy vitamin. It is a must in your nutritional regimen. Tingling in your hands and feet may be a sign of vitamin B deficiency.


C: Vitamin C, in whatever form—ascorbic acid, calcium or sodium ascorbate—is vital to wound healing and immunity-boosting. The most complete vitamin C contains hesperidin, rutin and flavonoids, or labeled citrus salts.


Fighting depression


D: The only way to combat depression is to have some daily sunlight exposure, take supplements like vitamin D, or simply surround yourself with loving people.


E: Energy is the key to a stronger you. You need to exercise at least 20 minutes a day.


F: Fun—psychologists recommend a dose of fun in order to stimulate happy hormones.


G: A giving personality is also generous. When you give your time, attention, sympathy and resources, expect a greater return on “spiritual income.”




H: Hormones play an important role in anti-aging.  Consult an endocrinologist on your hormone levels (estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid, cortisol).


I: Do you know that 2/3 of the body’s iodine is in your thyroid? Natural iodine from seafood improves metabolism and healthy teeth, skin, hair and nails.


J: Joy stems from a sense of gratitude for all of life’s blessings. When you claim joy in your life, you will attract more reasons to be joyful.


Vitamin K


K: Eat your leafy greens, egg, fish oils, alfalfa and fermented foods (like kimchi, etc.) in order to have vitamin K in you. It helps prevent hemorrhages by promoting proper blood clotting.


L: Like it or not, liver (especially beef) is the best way to improve your red blood count.  A small serving of raw beef liver with a chaser of orange juice should do the trick.


M: If you are always mad, then most likely your stress hormone levels are high. The consequence is high blood pressure, which may lead to hypertension. So, don’t get mad.


Doing nothing


N: The art of doing nothing is a 21st-century mandate to simply relax. If you are an overachiever, then this could be a real challenge.


O: Oxygen—without it, a human being can die within three minutes. Find clean air where oxygen is at its highest, like forests, mountaintops, seashore, a lush garden, waterfalls.


P: Peace of mind—everyone longs for this state of not having any problems. While life is problematic, you can still achieve a calm state through mind-body exercises, meditation and prayer.




Q: Prone to allergies?  Studies have shown that quercetin, a member of the vitamin P (bioflavonoid) family, is one of the strongest of antioxidants. Natural sources are  red/yellow onions, grapes and squash. It is also considered as an anti-cancer substance, apart from it being a natural antihistamine.


R: Reinvent yourself—no matter what your age is. You’ve got the power to do and be whatever it is you dream about.


S: Stress—the greatest malady of modern living is a result of progress and technology. Because everything can be done faster, people are always in a hurry.


T: Time can escape you so easily. Because there is no turning back the clock, place a high value on the present. This moment now counts. Treasure it.




U: Understanding the importance of who you are calls for commitment on your part to take good care of yourself—body, mind and spirit.


V: To be vibrant means to be imbued with passion in all that you are and can be.




W: We are composed of ¾ water, and so is the Earth. Hydrate yourself by drinking clean water. While you are at it, don’t forget to water your plants.




X: “Xpress” yourself now. All the unexpressed pent-up feelings you have will only depress you. So, say it. Speak up.


Y: To yearn for something better is a natural instinct. Allow your inner desires, your yearning, to shape your destiny.


Z: The zest for living is deeply rooted in your indomitable spirit.



This week’s affirmation: “I love life and life loves me.”


Love and light!


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