Some basic must-dos to look, feel better

The amazing, mind-boggling truth will either elate or exasperate you. You cannot fix the outside if you don’t attend to the inside. 

For example: You want to achieve a radiant, flawless complexion. The best of acid peels, skin facial boosters and high-tech lasers might just give you the results you are looking for, but the sad news is, they will not last for long.

In short, start fixing yourself internally first in order to achieve lasting beauty. Now that we agree on this basic must-do, we can begin to address your concerns.


The most popular diets in the world are not necessarily the best for you. No two people will take to a diet regimen the same way, nor will they respond in the same manner, as there are many factors involved.

The latest approach to diet plans, according to author and TV host Dr. Mehmet Oz, is about putting more emphasis on nutrients rather than calories.

In this less stressful method, food is seen for its nutritional content rather than the calorie values.

Thus, when you appreciate dieting more as a nutritional journey than calorie punishments, the natural tendency is start eating healthier. Diets are supposed to make you feel lighter but stronger, not thinner but sadder.

Diets should not depress you.  If they do, then whatever it is you are doing now—drop it.  The most beneficial of diets is the one that makes you smile.

Therefore, when you know what’s good and bad for you, this becomes a fresh start for you.

To lose weight:

Discard the white stuff. Strictly speaking, this includes white sugar, white rice, flour, bread, noodles and crackers. A total ban will lead to dramatic weight loss, easily 2 pounds per week.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you cannot allow yourself a treat or two. That’s okay once in a while.

Eat green—anything leafy or which belongs to the plant kingdom. Go for the green, preferably organic food.

Forget sweets—sugar leads to weight gain.  Full stop.

Carbo restriction—if you restrict carbohydrate consumption, then your body will have less inflammation inside.

Exercise. Good diet but no exercise equals unsuccessful results. Why? Because you are going for “thin,” not “strong.”

Vitamin D. The news is out—new research shows that this life-saving vitamin is also a diet helper. Vitamin D may actually play a crucial role in controlling appetite and improving the metabolic function of cells.

Natural sources are tuna, mackerel, salmon, fish liver oils, beef liver, egg yolk and cheese.

Drinking water

This is a true story. Recently a woman in her late 40s was rushed to the emergency room of a hospital. She had collapsed at a party. 

After undergoing several diagnostic tests, it was discovered that her liver and kidneys were on the verge of serious deterioration.

Her family doctor, upon scrutinizing her habits, came to the conclusion that she was extremely dehydrated. Not only was she placed on IV treatment, but was ordered to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Here’s the easiest way to know how much water you need to drink.

1) Determine your body weight in pounds.

2) Divide your body weight by two.

The number you get is exactly the number of ounces of water you must drink.


Weight in lbs: 130

Divide by 2 = 65 (in ounces, the amount you should drink daily)


Here is one great incentive for you to sleep more—it helps you lose weight. The reason for this will change your life forever.

Sleep-deprived individuals crave for carbohydrates because the brain, when running on little sleep, creates the carbo craving. 

Think about it—if you sleep more, you will prevent yourself from being in a situation where you want more carbs. 

Remember, carbohydrates (especially simple carbohydrates like bread, pasta, soda, candy, pastries, potatoes) tend to raise your blood sugar.

This week’s affirmation: “I dream it, I will it.”

Love and light!

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