Old mirrors make charming recycled frames

OLD framed mirror and spray adhesive
OLD framed mirror and spray adhesive
FINISHED product

Having anything custom framed these days can be costly. Luckily, department stores such as SM now carry a wide variety of ready-made frames at affordable prices. Sometimes, though, you just have that special piece you want a special frame for, but don’t really have a big budget. Consider using framed mirrors that are available in all shapes, styles and sizes at these stores. Or how about an old mirror you’ve got hanging somewhere? Here’s an idea to consider that might surprise you with its outcome, and the price is right, too!


For our special oil-on-canvas “Mother and Child” from Portugal, we chose a mirror framed in an old gold finish we had set aside because the mirror had scratches from use in the past. In this case, we didn’t mind the tarnished look, because it had some “old world” charm to match our painting.


You’ll need:





  1. Wipe clean and dry your frame.
  2. Measure painting against the mirror and center.
  3. Follow instructions for application of your spray adhesive and apply on the surface of your mirror.
  4. Lay out the painting on top of adhesive and press out flat, making sure the adhesive has made contact. Let dry properly.