Putting on your nutritional defenses

IT HAS become more evident over the passage of time that Hippocrates’ famous prescription for life is based on solid science and common sense. To paraphrase: “Let your food be your medicine and let your medicine be your food.”


Of late, the notion that cancer is nothing but a nutritional deficiency has become a principle based on healthy living. Unmistakably, this truth has become one of the strongest of pillars of wellness.


The first thing a doctor often asks a patient is about the kind of lifestyle one has.


Habits, as well emotional and mental attitudes, are taken into consideration.

It isn’t all about the physical. A patient is now seen as a wholistic representation of body, mind and spirit.  After the complete executive checkup and based on the findings, doctors then make adjustments.


Lifestyle is key; it is also the clue. But more often than not, it is the cause of illness or wellness. The more challenging the health condition, the more drastically a lifestyle has to be changed.


The question is, why wait? There are people in their 60s and 70s who are not on any kind of maintenance regimen. Many of them live based on moderation. Others go strictly vegan while embracing plant-based diet. Still some restrict sugar and carbohydrates to avert any high-sugar condition which may lead to diabetes.


While there are great benefits that can be derived from going meatless, other conservative nutritionists insist on having a good balance of all food groups. Ultimately, it is not about deprivation, but good nutrition. Remember, it is not about eating less, but eating right.


All kinds of foods are teeming with vitamins and minerals. Here are some physical symptoms that may be indicative of a deficiency.


When you experience a symptom as simple as a headache, your body may be telling you that you may lack a vitamin or mineral which is contained in food.

This week’s affirmation:

“Unlimited wealth flows to me everyday in every way.”


Love and light!


Reference: “Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century” by Earl Mindell

E-mail the author at coryquirino1@yahoo.com