A carpool for stressed commuters | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

I stopped taking cabs in May last year, and now rely almost entirely on Uber to get me from Quezon City, where I live, to Makati, where I work.


“Godsend” might be too grand a word, but that’s what it feels like, especially after years of being at the mercy of most cab drivers.


When Uber began offering UberPool rides a few weeks ago, I was one of the first to sign up, because choosing it shaved off anywhere from P30 to P50 from what I would normally pay if I rode solo.


UberPool is fine if you’re not in a rush, as the detour—to pick up or drop off another rider that Uber has “matched” you with—can add to the duration of your trip.


Note also that there is some etiquette involved when booking UberPool. If you’re the first one picked up, you can choose to sit beside the driver or at the back. Those picked up second should be willing to take whatever seat is free.


Don’t be like that couple that squeezed beside me in the back even if the front passenger seat was free. Guys, you’ll only be separated from each other for a few minutes.

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