Eat and drink ‘wellness’

FOOD is your medicine. If you choose to have more medicine on your plate, then eat nutritiously. There are many delicious approaches to eating (and drinking) right.


Spicy brews


All that spice is everything nice. Generally speaking, herbs are fresh, fragrant plants used to flavor food. When they are dried, these aromatic plants are used for flavoring and are called spices.


When cooking, always have these spices within easy reach. Oregano, bay leaf, dill, basil, coriander, thyme, mint, ginger, sage, rosemary, parsley, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric and chili.


All foods have an Orac value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). Do not underestimate the power of an herb or spice to deliver a strong defense against disease.


Sage and rosemary are considered cousins in the herbal kingdom. Both contain phenolic acids and antioxidant enzymes in their essential oils. Good for: asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis.


If you feel that you are losing your memory, then consider a cup of this kind of herbal tea daily. This has been a brain-boosting health remedy in China for centuries.


Natural mouthwash


Do you know that a sprig of rosemary and sage in a bottle of water can substitute as your natural herbal mouthwash?


Basil fights free radicals and bacteria. Of late, there have been reports of antibiotic-resistant bacteria like listeria e. coli and staphylococcus. It has been known by health experts that the essential oil of basil or thyme (1 percent solution) is enough to wash off bacteria in fresh produce.


Garlic, long prized for its potent medicinal properties, is an antibacterial and best-known to ward off a cold and control cholesterol,


Cinnamon controls blood sugar and may even slow down the high glycemic effects of sugar-rich foods,


Ginger, especially fresh, contains the anti-inflammatory gingerol compounds. The best ginger tea is ½ teaspoon of freshly grated ginger steeped for 30 seconds in hot water. Strain, then sip slowly.


Turmeric, a cousin of ginger, is an Indian curry spice which has been used by ayurvedic physicians to treat cancer, gastrointestinal problems, illnesses of the brain and of the nerves. The peptide in turmeric called “termeria” is a powerful detox agent which neutralizes free radicals.




Here’s a power-punch combination of mushrooms—reishi, shiitake, (shitake) cordyceps, maitake. These contain polysaccharides called beta-glucans that do the amazing by stimulating the immune system through its “turn-on” ability, to fight what many consider the impossible—cancer.


Moreover, its other health benefits are controlled blood pressure, blood sugar and body weight.


Sugar levels


There is a situation in the body that everyone should avoid. Whenever you eat any high-glycemic food, your blood sugar spikes. Continuous high-sugar levels will definitely lead to diabetes one fatal day.


When foods are converted rapidly to sugar in the bloodstream, glycation happens. For example: When glycation occurs it can affect the skin. The result: wrinkles. When it attacks the organs, aging begins.


Glycation fighters:


Benfotiamine, a variant of vitamin B1 developed in Japan, is used to treat neurological and vascular conditions


Carnosine (B-Alanyl-L-Histidine) is naturally found in our bodies—the brain, muscle tissue and lens of the eyes. This speeds up wound-healing, muscle fatigue recovery, nerve cell repair (especially for stroke patients).


Alpha Lipoic acid is considered more potent than vitamin C or E. This “master antioxidant” is a must in order to slow down the aging process.


This week’s affirmation: “I am strong and steadfast.”


Love and light!


Reference: “The Peiricone Promise,” Nicholas Pericone, MD


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