Happiness is a decision

The inescapable truth is that happy people live longer, and people who dwell on problems and adopt a pessimistic attitude in life may be linked to a 25-percent higher risk of dying in their 60s. This is according to a recent study mentioned in Mercola.com.

If you accept this as truth, don’t you think it’s time to “chase those blues away?”

Happiness, like love, is a state of mind founded on a decision. There is no magic bullet for happiness, but there can be a magic mind. Despite modern self-help books, the clues leading to a happy life are contained in ancient wisdom.

Shakespeare and ancient philosophers believed that one must adopt an attitude of indifference, no matter what. You do not pass judgment on yourself, your oppressors, or the situation itself.

Important advice is given by Ryan Holiday, author of “The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living.” He says: “Stay objective. For example, be aware of your response or analysis about an unpleasant event. It should be, ‘This thing happened to me. Full stop,’ rather than ‘This thing happened to me and it is bad.’”

The concept of happiness is placed under a microscope. Thus, the wisdom of sages dictates that all events are neutral. In short, they are neither good nor bad.

Challenging as this may seem, because emotions are involved, this is how the interpretation should be in order to correct a misperception.

An event happens, and you have a choice. You are upset not because of the event, but because of your belief about the event.

There are happiness psychologists who have come up with a doable plan. There is a name given to this new perspective: Cognitive Behavioral therapy.

Simply put, it teaches the art of understanding this truth: “Every negative feeling you have towards a life event is deeply rooted in your own beliefs, most of which are flawed and can be possibly traced to your childhood.”

Shifting focus


1) Shifting your focus from your analysis of any negative situation to what your own beliefs are. This spells the difference between depression and normal upsets.

2) Asking yourself if you are thinking rationally.

Here are real-life situations:

Your boyfriend of five years dumped you via a text message.

You lost your job.

Your supposed loving husband has another family.

Your best friend has been maligning you.

The ideal reactions will not make your happiness “high” come crashing down:

There is somebody else better for you.

This is only a minor setback that will lead to your dream job.

Husbands can be replaced.

The ancient philosophers say that in order to raise one’s happiness quotient, certain elements must be in place:

1) Accept reality as it is. Stop being in a state of denial. Enhance the sober truth.

2) If you cannot control a situation, then find situations that you can control. Let go of the rest.

3) Begin each day with a sense of gratitude. In short, count your blessings.

To have gratitude in your heart influences your mind and body in a positive way. To be exact, you get better sleep, a stronger immune system, stable blood, sugar levels, better mood and stable blood pressure.

4) Learn to forgive.

5) Love always.

Every new day is a beginning. It is a chance at a fresh start. Throw out the garbage of your past traumas, hurts and disappointments. Do not allow bad news to suck you into a black whirlpool.

Practicing gratitude is the best way to create happiness.

Learn to say thank you to everyone you meet today.

Recognize little acts of kindness with a smile or a hug.

Be mindful of saying “please” and “thank you.” Do something you enjoy.

Pray and meditate.

Do not forget to affirm something good daily.

This week’s affirmation: “I claim daily, unlimited happiness in my life.”

Love and light!

E-mail the author at coryqurino1@yahoo.com