Rainy season health hazards for your dogs

Rainy season health hazards for your dogsEvery rainy season, pet parents must be alert to the health hazards that may affect their furry friends.

Apart from infections or allergies, some common canine health hazards that pet parents may not readily see include the following:

1) Leptospirosis, a bacteria-like spirochete carried naturally by wildlife. In high rainfall situations, it is prevalent in the environment. More often, the leptospira are washed by rains into standing water. Pets wading, swimming or drinking the contaminated water develop the disease.

Transmission can occur in dogs exposed to water sources contaminated by wildlife urine (puddles, streams, ponds).
Dogs may exhibit symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy and excessive thirst.

2) Mosquito bites can be life-threatening to dogs, carrying dirofilaria, which transmits heartworm infection to a dog.

Use year-round control to prevent problems. If your dog has thin fur/skin and is more predisposed to getting bitten, use Skin So Soft or a topical insect repellent that drives away mosquitoes.

3) Contaminated food and water may lead to health problems like digestive disorders and gastroenteritis.

Ensure a clean and constant source of fresh drinking water. Provide food and water in separate metal bowls, as metal vessels are easy to clean.

Giving warm food or milk is often advisable, but remember that for any specialized treatment you must contact your vet.

When your pet pooch suffers uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea, seek immediate veterinary help.

Bow & Wow Times is the online newsletter of Bow & Wow, the country’s first and only all-natural pet store for dogs and cats. Visit bowandwow.com.ph.