Filipino Top Chef Winner Was Recently Arrested in Austin, Texas


Filipino Top Chef winner Paul Qui was arrested last Saturday for allegedly beating up his girlfriend as he threw a drug and alcohol-induced rage. He claims that his girlfriend agreed to group sex with his friends.

A friend of Paul called 911 as they heard banging and screaming coming from their apartment. When the police arrived, Paul answered the door and he had blood all over his arms, face, and even clothes. The apartment was a mess—broken glass and furniture was all over. His girlfriend was found crying while clutching her son on the couch, she had a swollen jaw and was ailing from pain. Paul did not make her leave because he said he wanted to explain his side when the police investigates.

Paul claims that he did get mad when his girlfriend agreed to group sex, and early Saturday morning asked her to call 911 as their situation got out of hand and that he is innocent. The incident made him think about his drug and alcohol use. He is reported to get himself into rehab.

Paul Qui owns two restaurants in Austin called Qui and East Side King. He won the title of Top Chef last 2012, and was famous for introducing Filipino cooking techniques while he was on the show and earned the respect of Tom Colicchio, the head judge. In 2014, he was also awarded as Esquire’s Chef of the Year in 2014.

[NY Daily News and Daily Mail Online]


Photo courtesy of Bravo