Christian meditation retreat-workshop set

“Into the Deep for Guides & Sharers,” a weekend engagement offering opportunities for deeper understanding of Christian meditation and ways to help others into this prayer habit, is set for

Nov. 11-13.


It includes essential teachings of the practice, roots in our faith tradition, stages of evolvement, ways to provide the environment to imbibe this prayer habit as a guide to their weekly meditation group and/or for schoolchildren, and resources for sharing the practice.


“Christian meditation is allowing God’s mysterious and silent presence within us to become… the reality in our lives… which gives meaning, shape and purpose to everything we do, to everything we are,” says John Main, OSB.


The Christian Meditation Retreat-Workshop is a joint offering of the World Community for Christian Meditation and the Institute of Spirituality in Asia.




Visit the Titus Brandsma Center at 24 Acacia St., New Manila, QC;

e-mail; tel. 7230449, 0915-3917420.