Food for the soul

“Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” –Proverbs 16:24

There is food for the body. And there is food for the soul. It is prophetically mentioned in the Bible that what is satisfying to the body through the goodness of food becomes something that is sweet to the soul.

It is clearly written, not as a parable, but as a life prescription in Genesis 1:29.  “Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.’” 

So, what are we waiting for?

While almost everyone is interested in food and good health, the emergence of the wellness consciousness is the reason why the individual’s perspective has now been expanded. 

A person isn’t just a physical baby, but a unity of body and spirit. And while the body may be finite, the spirit is indestructible. 

What if we learn to tap the infiniteness of our spirits in order to nourish our hearts and bodies?  Will it be safe to assume that miraculous healing and speedy recovery can occur?  Why not? There have been countless testimonials to this effect.

Consider this. Miracles happen in countless people’s lives.  But they all have one common denominator: They were believers. It is high time we realized a truth: There are more life-sustaining nutrients in a positive mind and a cheerful disposition than there is in a slab of steak.


There are guidelines we all need to be mindful of. And these are as timeless as they are current.

1) Good health starts with a good soul. It begins with a kind and a giving heart. It also means that one should be forgiving.

2) It has been repeated over and over again: Your body is the temple of the spirit of God. Respect it by looking after yourself. Do not desecrate your body. If you do, then you also taint your spirit.

3) There is nothing wrong with comfort food. It is there to give you a certain sense of security. But when you are depressed, turn to spiritual matters to lift you up. Find comfort in prayer and meditation instead of finding solace in food.  It will not give you comfort because it can only give you more calories. Thus, one week of overindulging will lead to weight gain. 

4) If all the goodness of what we can and should eat is already ours, then why not add more green, organic produce to your diet?

In Daniel 1:8, 12, 13 and 15, all he and his men had were vegetables and water. They junked “royal food,” which was obviously rich and heavy. Lo and behold, after 10 days, they looked healthier than the men who ate the royal banquet.

5) Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. While doing your daily walk, exercise your mind on uplifting matters.

6) When you train your body, remember to keep your soul fit, too.

7) Feel the love. It is called the most powerful force on earth. When there is love, then there can be no fear. The heart needs to stay in good form, too.  So, allow yourself to love and be loved. People who do not accept the love of others feel that they are unworthy of love.

8) Think healthy to be healthy. Focus on the beautiful, awe-inspiring and noble—in life, in yourself and in others.  There is always a redeeming quality in people—especially you. You just need to let go of your biases. Think big to see the big picture. Think small and you get to see only the smallness and pettiness in life. This, plus the negativity you are feeding on.

9) Watch your mouth. Avoid gossip at all times. It can only lead to self-destruction. If you have nothing good to say, then zip your mouth.

10) Practice kindness. Be kind to yourself and others.

This week’s affirmation: “My spirit lives on.”

Love and light!


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