When a onesie is a funsie

Pink unicorn and Panda onesie
Pink unicorn and Panda onesie

The “ber” months mean cooler weather is upon us. Time to bring out your flannel-lined jackets and cable knit sweaters.


How about a furry onesie?

Onesies, those single-piece garments that combine a top and bottom, are not just for babies anymore. Adults have their version of the onesie and feel just as comfortable wearing them as kids do.

This is what Richard Juan offers in Funsies Factory. Himself a fan of the cult apparel, Juan launched the brand last September with the concept of making onesies cool to wear anytime, anywhere.


Juan’s onesies—or “funsies,” as he likes to call them—are not strictly for the bedroom or Halloween costume parties. Made of velveteen and available in popular cartoon characters in two unisex sizes,    funsies are all about embracing uniqueness and standing out in a crowd. “We make every day FUN” is the brand’s battle cry.


Head turners


The first collection was shot at a mall, and true enough, Juan and his friends turned heads when they modeled the colorful and furry, full-body outfits.


Shoppers smiled at the group in their adorable outfits, and children wanted to have their picture taken with the life-sized characters.


Even titas asked for a shot with the funsied friends.

It’s a perfect example of how funsies can’t help but spread good vibes.


Funsies Factory currently offers seven designs: Stitch (of Lilo and Stitch fame), Pokemon’s Pikachu and Charmander, a Pink Unicorn, Blue Unicorn, Minion from the Despicable Me movies and a black-and-white Panda.

Besides promising fun and comfort through his clothes, Juan is keen on giving customers a smooth shopping experience.

Active in Funsies Factory’s social media accounts, he personally takes in questions and suggestions about his products.

Richard Juan in Korea wearing his “Pikachu” onesie

The feedback so far? Demand for his outfits is up, meaning a new collection (and possibly a kids’ line) will be out next year.

Visit www.funsiesfactory.com and check out its Facebook ( Funsies Factory) and Instagram (@funsiesfactory) accounts.

Richard Juan trying out his “Pikachu” onesie in Korea

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