The golden rules for glowing skin

IT’S THAT time of year when the summer holidays feel like ages ago and it’s still eons before the Christmas travel plans kick in. So you’re left with the after effects of a month-long tan, or just pale white skin from not having travelled at all.

With the rainy days having pattered in, a jolt of the right colors can recharge your look—and attitude. For some, even just a change of beauty routine can make you look a little more lit from within. So my closest gal pal Karla Parsons allowed me to give her a makeover for the gloomy month of June.

Who says pretty girls don’t need makeovers? Thanks to makeup maverick Bianca Valerio, we gave Karla two new looks: A rejuvenating revamp to show off her glowing skin, and a charge up on her long-lost tan.


Wear sunscreen. The No. 1 must-do is to wear sun screen. So many people do aggressive things like peels, resurfacing and lasers, but if you’re not wearing sunscreen, you won’t have to do much.

Keep your pores clean. Even the best skin-care ingredients won’t work well unless they’re applied to a clean face. Wash morning and night and be sure to take off your makeup before hitting the gym.

Add some shimmer. If you’re fair like Karla, dust a little highlighter on the tops of your cheek bones. Instant dewy skin!

Get a gorgeous shine. Body oils don’t just look sexy; they hydrate, too. Use them alone on dry skin or mix some with body cream.

Squeeze in some happy time. De-stressing will help your skin stay clearer and more glowing. Your skin reflects where your current state of mind. Living a contented life does things to your skin no money can buy.

Try a white-and-bronze combo. To enhance radiant skin, surround yourself with a clean, crisp white wardrobe. White dresses, tops and accessories always make skin glow, especially if you’re tanned.

Do a red lip. Nothing plays up golden skin more than something fiery to accentuate it.

Smoke out your eyes. Try a coppery shade to enhance a tan.

Even out your skin. Got dark spots or uneven patches? Give your body a weekly rubdown with an exfoliator or scrub. Exfoliating your back can be tricky—no wonder it’s often neglected.

Tip: Spread scrub onto the wall of your shower, lean back against it and wiggle.


Don’t over-do self-tanners. Orange skin isn’t fooling anyone. Get your fake glow on gradually so you don’t wind up looking like a “bronzoid.”

Don’t forget the basics. You’ve heard this before, but it’s worth repeating: Water and sleep are essential to looking your best everyday, and neither will blow your budget.

If you’re prone to bugs bites, don’t use perfume, scented lotions or bright colors when you’re planning to spend time outdoors, since they attract bugs. And scars from the bug bites on your legs repel men, not bugs.