Giving Christmas the DIY treatment

No space? No time? No budget? No problem.


Just because you’ve adulted up and decided to move out and into a studio  unit or bed space doesn’t mean you can’t have the spirit of Christmas in your—small, cramped, just really teeny—room.


Christmas trees are now sold in various miniature sizes and economical prices. But the fun part comes after you’ve gotten your tree and you start decorating—without having to shell out more for generic tinsel and shiny balls and bells. Just look around the shabby little hole you currently call home.


  1. Open your jewelry box. It’s a no-brainer: Party jewelry is colorful, festive and you probably have a ton of ’em. If it’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for your tiny tree. Carefully sprinkle your favorite baubles over, around and through the branches. But, please, please, don’t hang your watch or other breakable pieces.
Photos by Nastasha Verayo-De Villa
  1. You live in a digital world but you have a collection of Instax photos. Take them out of hiding and plaster them all over your fake conifer. Attach colorful string or yarn on your cutest and happiest memories using washi tape and hang them all over your tree. Pro-tip: Put your best photos at eye-level. That way, visiting loved ones would notice them right away.

  1. You love crafts, and have a collection of decorative paper. Get folding and make a bunch of origami. This one takes a bit longer, but crafters always make time. Someone in Japan made a decorative tree full of tiny origami cranes. It took them months, folding 10 hours a day, to finish. Don’t do that. Christmas is only a few weeks away. Stick to the simple, regular-shaped crane, heart, tulip, angelfish, fan, boat and the like. Don’t forget the star.

  1. Your LEGO collection is taking over your life! Just let go (er, “LEGO”) and let it take over your holiday topiary, creating funny scenes of tiny people and creatures invading an “enormous” party shrub. You get to play and decorate at the same time! Fun times.