Pantry essentials in case of disasters

The Philippines is no stranger to natural disasters and calamities and they often come with little to no warning. In case of an emergency, food sits third or fourth on your list of priorities, which is okay as long as you plan ahead. According to Barry Sanson, a food scientist at Washington State University, you’d want to pack calories when disaster strikes. “You want some nutrients and some fiber—something to keep your diet normal.”

If you have the time, make a quick run to your local farmers’ market and buy fresh produce first; it’s fresher than what you’ll find at the supermarket.

Here are a number of important food items to keep in your pantry:

1. Apples

Apples are rich in fiber and can last up to three months, provided that they’re stored in a cool, dry place and away from more perishable fruits (i.e. bananas).

2. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits

If you buy them not fully ripe, these fruits can last up to two weeks. They’re a good source of vitamin C and are powerful antioxidants.

3. Canned tuna, chicken, or salmon

Canned meats provide essential protein and can last up to at least two years. Vacuum-packed meats are also good but they last only for a period of at least six months.

4. Canned fruits and vegetables

Of course, when you don’t have access to fresh produce, these will do as they can still provide you with proper nutrients.

5. Canned soups

Canned soups are convenient and can be eaten straight from the can. The only downside? Beware of the high sodium content.

Best to research on the different types of nuts and mixes to get the most benefits. For example, walnuts are rich in monounsaturated fats and can be a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

6. Nuts and trail mixes

High-energy, healthy, and convenient, trail mixes or nuts are good for snacking and will keep you full for a period of time. Buy the ones that are stored in vacuum-packed containers to preserve their freshness.

7. Bottled water

Better if you stock five days’ worth of supply. It’s important to stay hydrated in times of crisis and you’ll never know when you will run out. A normally active person drinks at least half a gallon of water every day, and the other half can be added to food or even washing.

8. Powdered milk

Most dairy products need to be refrigerated but they can spoil easily when the electricity goes out. You can still get your daily dose of calcium and vitamin D with powdered milk.

Stock up on multivitamins and supplements to make up for the nutrients you might lack during times when you can’t have your normal diet.

9. Root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and yams

If you have access to a working stove, these starchy tubers make for a filling snack. You need good carbs to keep you energized plus they can last for about a month, given that you store them in a cool, dark area.

10. Multivitamins and other health supplements

You might disregard them as being unimportant, but supplements can replace the nutrients you would have consumed on your normal diet.


Photos courtesy of Unsplash